Kavanaugh Confirmation

How do you recommend we do that? Have the wronged perform more immoral and unethical acts? Bring Obama back to make a pick?

Sometimes adults just have to move on. If they are adults that care about right and wrong, they actually move on with the attitude that they will outshine their enemies when given a chance. If they really, really care about morality and ethics, they are willing to endure wrongs for the opportunity to put their values above sacrifice.

Or they could be like you and call everyone else evil while pleading for the excuse to be just as evil.
Sometimes adults who perpetrate a wrong attempt to make amends. It's a small indicator that they acknowledge it was wrong and will attempt to do better in the future. Absent that, one is left to assume that it is just the way they are and will continue to be.
🤣🤣🤣 a former dean of admissions of YLS whom I quoted one post later stated this dog won’t hunt. She isn’t a Kavanaugh supporter. But she’s a solid “nope!” here

Womp womp.

Edit: no you quoted the former dean and still made your dumbass inference. 🤣🤣🤣

She said systematic way. That was no accident but carefully chosen.
Sometimes adults who perpetrate a wrong attempt to make amends. It's a small indicator that they acknowledge it was wrong and will attempt to do better in the future. Absent that, one is left to assume that it is just the way they are and will continue to be.
Sure. Ok. The Rs are evil. You expect us to be surprised? You expect us to cringe at the thought?

You're sidestepping the fact that you are defending the evil that you prefer. You're no better. The Ds are proving that they are who they are as well. You just prefer their desired ends.

You have no moral high ground. You are the monster in the mirror.
Sure. Ok. The Rs are evil. You expect us to be surprised? You expect us to cringe at the thought?

You're sidestepping the fact that you are defending the evil that you prefer. You're no better. The Ds are proving that they are who they are as well. You just prefer their desired ends.

You have no moral high ground. You are the monster in the mirror.

Isn’t it interesting that he has the proclivity for whistling past the graveyard, while neglecting the impending time bomb in November?

By my estimate, this episode will hurt them more than it will help the GOP. Liberals are mentally deficient, and you’d think November 2016 would’ve taught them this easy-to-learn lesson, but they’ve yet to adapt and acquiesce.
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Luther, the entire conversation is about K and perjury as it pertains to some supposed, vague, ghostly and unproven help he had getting into college.


It's pitiful. Desperation.
I'm aware. ND posted a tweet as if it provided proof that there is no preferential treatment given to applicants with relatives who attended Yale. I was just pointing out that the tweet did not make that claim. It would all be insignificant had K not made such a spectacle of his admission.
No many of us have called them not credible.

I believe Ford believes what she’s saying at least. But when considering all of the information available which she herself provided the sources for I find her account unlikely.

You continually forcing a she’s either truthful or lying is the one cheapening her testimony. Not the ones who believe as I have stated.

When I was a HS Sophomore a Junior jumped me and picked a fight after a basketball game. I got whipped pretty good. I'm 69 and to this day I'm damn well 100% certain who it was. I couldn't name all the boys who were there or whether it was October or January but the who did what is perfectly clear. And no I didn't tell anyone.
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Speaking of which, did you ever get the treefrog reference?
The only reference I know about on treefrog is a naive or uninformed individual. Could be youth but normally along the lines of naive or uninformed. And I think that’s fairly common.

If it referenced fart gags or drinking games or sexual acts within your local culture that’s an obscure interpretation between you guys I guess. Don’t really know or care.

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