Kent State Lookalikes

Guessing you didn't look at his bio. This kid is on the roster as a part of a nonprofit "that pairs kids with chronic illnesses with area college athletic programs."

I'm all for a little good natured fun at the other teams expense(obviously). But maybe leave this one alone?
Nope, didn't look at the kid's bio. I'll wager that none of the other lookalike posters checked their selections' bio either. Just the same, bless the kid, and the entire KSU team as well. Without them, we might not have the game to play. And my selection still looks like Urkel who was a disabled character, so maybe I wasn't that far off. Sort of an EEO post, perhaps?
Nope, didn't look at the kid's bio. I'll wager that none of the other lookalike posters checked their selections' bio either. Just the same, bless the kid, and the entire KSU team as well. Without them, we might not have the game to play. And my selection still looks like Urkel who was a disabled character, so maybe I wasn't that far off. Sort of an EEO post, perhaps?
I've posted 3 look a likes here. I realize I'm sitting in a "glass house". Just wanted to call your attention to it as it's not a normal situation for this thread.

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