Kentucky at Florida (3:30et CBS)

So it makes perfect sense you're responding to posts from UF fans in a UF-UK game thread.

Thanks for not caring. :hi:

I know it's hard for you gators to understand simple statements sometimes so let me repeat a little slower for you. Duuurrriinnngggg oouuurrrr gggaammmeesss iii ccoouullddnnn'ttt ccaarrreee llleesssss wwhhaaattt aaa bbbuunncchhh offf ggaatttooorrsss hhaavvveee ttooo ssaayyy aabboouuuttt hhooowwww wwee'rreee ppllaayyiinnnggg. Let me help you out with that statement now since it was so hard for you. UT is not playing right now. When the game starts I sure as **** won't be on a gators board reading what y'all have to say because I don't care. You got it now? :hi:
It would be fun to see what some of Spurrier's teams would do to the current SEC East.

Just look back one year to see what Spurrier did with the almost-current SEC East. Spoiler - it wasnt pretty. He quit on his team, actually.
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More completed to UF players than our own :eek:lol:

At least you are a good sport. ... by the way I did some specialized teaching there at UK in the summers 86-88. Used to hang out at a gitchy dive bar, Charlie Brown's. Is it still there?

Also, what the heck is with the pronunciation of " Versailles" by the locals???
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I know it's hard for you gators to understand simple statements sometimes so let me repeat a little slower for you. Duuurrriinnngggg oouuurrrr gggaammmeesss iii ccoouullddnnn'ttt ccaarrreee llleesssss wwhhaaattt aaa bbbuunncchhh offf ggaatttooorrsss hhaavvveee ttooo ssaayyy aabboouuuttt hhooowwww wwee'rreee ppllaayyiinnnggg. Let me help you out with that statement now since it was so hard for you. UT is not playing right now. When the game starts I sure as **** won't be on a gators board reading what y'all have to say because I don't care. You got it now? :hi:

We understand simple statements...take your posts for instance.
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Just look back one year to see what Spurrier did with the almost-current SEC East. Spoiler - it wasnt pretty. He quit on his team, actually.

Let me rephrase.....

It would be fun to see what some of Spurrier's Florida teams would do to the current SEC East.
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At least you are a good sport. ... by the way I did some specialized teaching there at UK in the summers 86-88. Used to hang out at a gitchy dive bar, Charlie Brown's. Is it still there?

Also, what the heck is with the pronunciation of " Versailles" by the locals???

On Euclid Ave. I believe. Never been there but I've heard of it.

And we say it "Vur-sales". We have a few cities with odd pronunciations.
I don't know why, but I expected better out of KY today. Getting styled on by the freaking Gators. Wish KY would at least find a way to shut the fans up and put an end to that stupid gator chomp for the rest of the game.
Florida is not much more talented the Kentucky this year.

Good gracious what a bunch quitters.
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Let me rephrase.....

It would be fun to see what some of Spurrier's Florida teams would do to the current SEC East.

Dominate. Nary a visor or headset would be tossed. He would just smirk his way to victory every Saturday.

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