Kentucky is good? Bama is great? Oklahoma is meh?

There is no transitive property college football. Teams are good and bad depending on the week and matchup.

UK gets credit for the win but Ole Miss really bungled the end of that game.

Oklahoma was limping into that game (literally look at their injury list) and Auburn gifted them 6+2 points.

Bama is the one that concerns me. Glad we get them at home but Milroe looks unstoppable and DeBoer has really crafted the offense around his strengths this year.

I think the Vols are good. Still waiting for the jump to great. Next two games are a good opportunity to do so. Arky will not just roll over for us, and we have to beat the Gators at all costs. They are reeling and we cannot trip ourselves up against them like we have in the past.
I’m interested in identifying the point in time when people will actually say “UT is great.” When/if we beat AR and FL over the next two weeks, the argument will no doubt be that “AR and FL” are not very good so even though we would be 6-0 we still seem to be below that “Great” threshold. Is it when we beat AL? Or AL and KY in back-to-back weekends? Reading comments on this board, I’m inclined to think that UT will not be considered a Great team until they are walking off the field after beating “XYZ” in the NATTY and them some jackwagon on ESPN will start with the “Yeah, but “XYZ” team was “off that night, didn’t have their best player, etc.” I think our team is Great right now and there are only about 4 teams that can say that currently. Our D is great - no question. Our O has been and can get back to that level. We rank in the Top 5 of most stats - It’s time to start giving our guys credit - GBO! “Great Big Orange.”
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My favorite fact about UK vs Kentucky: Stoops has had two 10 win seasons while coaching at UK. What do both have in common? Losses to Tennessee 😁

I’ve been mildly concerned about UK while Stoops has been there, but just like Florida to us, they just cannot figure out a way to beat us consistently.
UK vs. Kentucky? Well, it is hard to tell those two apart.
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Ole Miss doesn’t have the defense we do and Kentucky just milked the clock all day. It was a good strategy and they used QBs in the run game effectively to keep Ole Miss D off balance. But I wouldnt say they are good. They are decent.

The Bama/UGA game surprised me a little. But as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that was dismissed here, Milroe looks like a beast this year. I think he might be the best player in college football right now. What surprises me is that UGA has been less than stellar.

But what matters most is not taking Ark or Fla for granted. Winning on the road is hard. Beating Florida is always hard for us for some reason.
Milroy look like a lost puppy 2nd half
Beck was scared of Bama’s pressure until they ran out of gas and stopped getting pressure.

Both Bama and UGA are strong, but not invincible.

If we play our best against both of them…we win!

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