Kerry wants to get in the film business

the jury is still out on obama. what happens if he goes back to carter level income taxes (as his economic advisors have implied he might do on cnbc)?
I simply quit working and live off what I already have.
you can retire at what 35? what happens when your investment income gets taxed at that rate?
you can retire at what 35? what happens when your investment income gets taxed at that rate?
38 and yes, if working isn't worth the return on my time. Good luck to Obama and company on finding a way to tax my investments.
Good luck to Obama and company on finding a way to tax my investments.

there have been propositions in front of congress to both start taxing munis (which woudl be a real bad investment for someone 38) and to change the laws allowing depreciation of real estate for investment purposes. so unless you have your money off-shore and want to go to jail, i doubt you are going to avoid taxes.
there have been propositions in front of congress to both start taxing munis and to change the laws allowing depreciation of real estate for investment purposes. so unless you have your money off-shore and want to go to jail, i doubt you are going to avoid taxes.
I'm certain you're wrong. Even if you aren't, I don't need the income from investments. I can live off savings or stuff sitting in checking accounts until lower tax rates come back, as they always do.
Remind me what profession Ronald Reagan and The Governator practiced before entering politics.

was he sitting in office?

actually, i watched a show that talked about how reagan was very interested in communism. I believe it was just after WW2, but he decided it wasn't the best way to go. the show didn't go into detail as to why he changed his position. of course i don't know how accurate the historian's comments were. I thought it was an interesting tid bit about Reagan.
I'm certain you're wrong. Even if you aren't, I don't need the income from investments. I can live off savings or stuff sitting in checking accounts until lower tax rates come back, as they always do.

It is obvious you can find ways to maintain your lifestyle. That said, I would say if you ever made the decision that the tax rates no longer made it worth your time to work then there was a substantial effect to your life. You can argue you are still maintaining your lifestlye but I think giving up work, something you probably enjoy, is a substantial change.
Are you saying we should leave that to guys with military service records as distinguished as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, or Newt Gingrich?

dont forget algore, your boy clinton and that wonderfull socialist Murtha. all have such wonderful love of the military. it shows how they support the troops.
So what if they are? If people watching a film produced by John Kerry are too stupid to realize the movie has an agenda, I hope they get misled. I like seeing the stupid and the naive get screwed.

lol i agree, that's how hussein became elected. of course the problem with your comment is that all America is getting screwed.
I'm certain you're wrong. Even if you aren't, I don't need the income from investments. I can live off savings or stuff sitting in checking accounts until lower tax rates come back, as they always do.

Tom Gavin, a spokesman for Obama, said in March that the president planned a task force to “rebalance the federal tax code,” which created the current municipal market

Building America With Obama Bonds Signals Munis? Fall (Update1) -

While both the things i listed are unlikely, i'd argue that the tax code changing back to carter levels would significantly effect any wealthy investor.
was he sitting in office?

actually, i watched a show that talked about how reagan was very interested in communism. I believe it was just after WW2, but he decided it wasn't the best way to go. the show didn't go into detail as to why he changed his position. of course i don't know how accurate the historian's comments were. I thought it was an interesting tid bit about Reagan.
The crux of Reagan's entire political life revolved around defeating communism. That's why I liked him.
dont forget algore, your boy clinton and that wonderfull socialist Murtha. all have such wonderful love of the military. it shows how they support the troops.
Two of those three actually were in combat zones. How many of the three guys I mentioned ever were?
It is obvious you can find ways to maintain your lifestyle. That said, I would say if you ever made the decision that the tax rates no longer made it worth your time to work then there was a substantial effect to your life. You can argue you are still maintaining your lifestlye but I think giving up work, something you probably enjoy, is a substantial change.
It would give me more free time. That's the only change. Finding something I enjoy as much as work wouldn't be hard.

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