Kevin O'Neill's New Digs

i've been to missouri, tenn, arkansas and while the accents are different they are the same as people in LA (lots of people from those states LIVE in LA btw).

And I'm sure you got a good idea of LA culture by going to hollywood and universal studios.

The hell? Missourians are NOTHING like Californians.
The hell? Missourians are NOTHING like Californians.

you obviously have never been to fresno. you want to argue city people are different than country people and I might agree. the difference still wouldn't be what you think it is.
you obviously have never been to fresno. you want to argue city people are different than country people and I might agree. the difference still wouldn't be what you think it is.

Dude, I just said I'm from San Diego. As far I know, that's a city in California.
Dude, I just said I'm from San Diego. As far I know, that's a city in California.

and it's your opinion san diego is filled with a "population of feminine 'men' and easy women." and in your 18 years on earth you've learned a lot about how people are in this world huh?
and it's your opinion san diego is filled with a "population of feminine 'men' and easy women." and in your 18 years on earth you've learned a lot about how people are in this world huh?

No, my opinion is as I said it was. That people differ upon region. Californians are nothing like Missourians, Missourians differ from Texans, Texans aren't quite Floridans, etc.

Who said I was 18?
they differ, but it's not this great divide people here think it is. and certainly arguing LA is filled with a bunch of feminine men and easy women is just plain ignorance. particurally considering most people in LA weren't born there.
they differ, but it's not this great divide people here think it is. and certainly arguing LA is filled with a bunch of feminine men and easy women is just plain ignorance. particurally considering most people in LA weren't born there.

It could be argued only insecure, "feminine" men (like you I presume) and orange, "easy" women are the only people who would move to a horrible place like LA. I mean, who else would want to live in a worldly city that's sunny and 70 everyday?
It could be argued only insecure, "feminine" men (like you I presume) and orange, "easy" women are the only people who would move to a horrible place like LA. I mean, who else would want to live in a worldly city that's sunny and 70 everyday?

I'd live in Phoenix before I lived in LA. I know that has little relevance... just sayin.
I'd live in Phoenix before I lived in LA. I know that has little relevance... just sayin.

Your choice, but having been to both multiple times I have no idea why. Phoenix is like a hotter LA with no ocean. Just sayin'.
Your choice, but having been to both multiple times I have no idea why. Phoenix is like a hotter LA with no ocean. Just sayin'.

Because I'm not a fan of LA. Yeah, there's nice places, but outside of the prettier areas it isn't the greatest place to live.
I have a hard time seeing Phoenix and LA as the same city

Phoenix and LA both have endless sprawl and are in similarly arid, mountainous areas. Phoenix is LA without the good parts. Ocean, culture, weather, influence, etc.
Dude, I've been to L.A. and the place sucks.

Speaking of stupid statements, people are not "pretty much the same everywhere". Go to Missouri or Arkansas and see if you still believe that. They are nothing like people from L.A. or Chicago.

You know nothing about where I've been so stop assuming. Also, people don't have to believe what you believe. L.A. is awful, period.
We get it. You're a loser and a misfit who can't hang in the big city. That comes as no surprise.
doesn't look like you got out much during your visits to Phx

It was cool, I just wasn't a fan of how it's laid out. Honestly, I don't know if anyone even tried to plan the city. It's like 60 miles across with no growth north to south. Ya I know, there are mountains North and South. I just wasn't a fan driving in 45 minutes of traffic through the desert to get to a Suns game from Scottsdale. On a side note, I took a day trip up to Sedona in a Mustang convertible, and the drive from Sedona to Flagstaff on 89A was breathtaking.
i see so putting up a website and living in san francisco makes you an expert on california? makes sense to me. you must think the bleecher report and new york times have equal prestige.
Most of California is a great place to live (especially Monterey) but LA is a different environment all together. I think most Tennesseans would not like the concrete jungle aspect.
i see so putting up a website and living in san francisco makes you an expert on california? makes sense to me. you must think the bleecher report and new york times have equal prestige.

Call Jan and ask her yourself because if she's not an expert, neither are you. At least she's an expert enough to publish a book instead of posting messages on a college football board
I thought illegal immigration was the problem with California, not feminine men, and orange women
learn something new everyday
I loved living in California. I never lived in LA though. I lived in Ridgecrest, Twentynine Palms, Tustin, and then Twentynine Palms again before moving to Knoxville. There was a time when I would have moved back in a heartbeat but not anymore. I'll never leave East Tennessee.

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