What likely happened is there was a fight, neighbor sees the fight, and tells someone. The girl then tries to cover for her man by saying it was only roughhousing and nothing happened.
How many times have you seen domestic violence people claim nothing happened when they're afraid their partner is going to get in trouble.
The school did an investigation, and deemed it true. That's enough for me, because in all honesty, it's probably 100% true.
Oh this black eye and bruises? I fell into a door again, I'm so clumsy
Which is more likely? A guy and his girlfriend fight and they don't want him to get in trouble and change their story.
Or everyone is telling the truth and the school after doing an investigation said screw the evidence...
I can promise you, being in the medical field, I have seen hundreds of people back their partner even when they had been abused, people that would redact their stories about abuse, and people that would even go in front of the judge and claim they lied about the abuse to get the judge to drop the case.
But sure, these people you have never met, and only heard one side of the story, are 100% telling the truth and the big bad school is totally out to get them...
Which is more likely? A guy and his girlfriend fight and they don't want him to get in trouble and change their story.
Or everyone is telling the truth and the school after doing an investigation said screw the evidence...
I can promise you, being in the medical field, I have seen hundreds of people back their partner even when they had been abused, people that would redact their stories about abuse, and people that would even go in front of the judge and claim they lied about the abuse to get the judge to drop the case.
But sure, these people you have never met, and only heard one side of the story, are 100% telling the truth and the big bad school is totally out to get them...
Which is more likely? A guy and his girlfriend fight and they don't want him to get in trouble and change their story.
Or everyone is telling the truth and the school after doing an investigation said screw the evidence...
I can promise you, being in the medical field, I have seen hundreds of people back their partner even when they had been abused, people that would redact their stories about abuse, and people that would even go in front of the judge and claim they lied about the abuse to get the judge to drop the case.
But sure, these people you have never met, and only heard one side of the story, are 100% telling the truth and the big bad school is totally out to get them...
Title IX puts the schools in an untenable situation. Even if the girlfriend says that nothing happened, and defends him to the ends of the earth, the school cannot take the risk that she might be a battered woman, and the "abuse" might happen again. Title IX makes it impossible to take Boermeester or the girlfriend at their words. Boermeester might sue the school and they'll probably come to a tidy settlement with him, but it's a small price to pay to avoid the potential disaster that probably doesn't even exist.
What likely happened is there was a fight, neighbor sees the fight, and tells someone. The girl then tries to cover for her man by saying it was only roughhousing and nothing happened.
How many times have you seen domestic violence people claim nothing happened when they're afraid their partner is going to get in trouble.
The school did an investigation, and deemed it true. That's enough for me, because in all honesty, it's probably 100% true.
Oh this black eye and bruises? I fell into a door again, I'm so clumsy
While I agree with you in principal, in both that the school is avoiding a potential risk and cannot take either of them at their word, I find it atrocious for two reasons:
1. They literally are, without any knowledge other than hearsay, determining that both the "plaintiff" and "defendant" are both lying, and siding with one based on nothing in order to protect their own image.
2. They should be nowhere near this case, and police should handle it. The most the school should do is prohibit him from whatever team activities they deem fit, disallow them from communicating if they deem fit, and provide her any protections she asks for. Beyond that, the school should leave all investigation and final judgement to those whom the job belongs officially.
I agree with all of that. But Title IX says the schools cannot simply let the police handle it, and as such they get boxed into a situation where deciding against the accused is the only practical option.
Im a police officer. DV calls are almost like clockwork. Fight, arrest, show up in court holding hands and blame the officer. Not all of course, but a good portion of them are just like that. Its a sad situation really.
Well, title 9 shouldnt exist. A university investigation should only exist secondary to an actual criminal i investigation. In this case, police involved or not, i believe that is an accurate account of a large portion of DV calls, especially with young couples.Except no one called the cops, no one was arrested, and neither party accused the other of doing something.
The feminists should be all over this, just another example of the patriarchal system mansplaining to a woman that she's too dumb to figure things out on her own. She's a victim because they say she is.
I do feel this is going to be the default position moving forward. A school would much rather deal with a lawsuit from a single student than a Title 9 fiasco. It's safer to railroad this kid than to be accused of fostering a culture of abuse or whatever claim the govt can make.
Except no one called the cops, no one was arrested, and neither party accused the other of doing something.
The feminists should be all over this, just another example of the patriarchal system mansplaining to a woman that she's too dumb to figure things out on her own. She's a victim because they say she is.
I do feel this is going to be the default position moving forward. A school would much rather deal with a lawsuit from a single student than a Title 9 fiasco. It's safer to railroad this kid than to be accused of fostering a culture of abuse or whatever claim the govt can make.
Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.