I'm glad you're there to speak up for young adults that lack the capability to make decisions for themselves.
A true altruist is among us.
Just something I thought of. What if the defense gives up a TD you get the ball at the 20 but if you hold them to a FG then a kickoff is done and a touchback gets you the ball at the 25? You lower kickoffs without abolishing them completely, you add strategy to the game, and your defense is rewarded for holding a team to a FG. Seems like a decent compromise.
Im thinking more like less then 5 years and the game we know now will be gone in 15 years
It took a couple of decades for football to pass up baseball in the hearts of sports fans, and much of that was due to some really bad decisions by those overseeing baseball. Now, it seems to me the rule makers for football are trying to fast track the process. The financial aspect might keep things going, but these rule changes are making the games less enjoyable. Yeah, fifteen sounds just about right.
Baseball didn't have a growing CTE problem.
While I agree with this I think football as a whole would admit it is a dangerous game and will lead to detrimental effects of health. If you choose to play this game then you concent to these consequences then you as a player know the risks of the game as well as the rewards. Especially in the pro game. How many players died of CTE in the 80s, 70s? We dont know because it wasnt even a diagnosis at that time. Im sure many had complications. We still have boxing and MMA, that can lead to head injury. I just dont think its football, its all contact sports IMO. Choosing to play these sports now the athletes should be well aware of the inherent risk.
Yes but football cant sit back and just say Its rough, deal with it. Participation is already dropping and when you have former NFL players saying their kids wont play, you got a problem.
Yes but football cant sit back and just say Its rough, deal with it. Participation is already dropping and when you have former NFL players saying their kids wont play, you got a problem.
Yep... And for all the complaining, it's what football has always done. Chop blocks, hands to the head, peel back blocks, crack backs, horse collars, brutal hits to defenseless players, targeting and a bunch of other stuff was legal not that long ago, and the game's popularity didn't struggle when they were outlawed.
Chop blocks, are they not still in the rules? I know you cant chop and engaged player but I think you can still cut at the knees. I could be wrong. Ill googleYep... And for all the complaining, it's what football has always done. Chop blocks, hands to the head, peel back blocks, crack backs, horse collars, brutal hits to defenseless players, targeting and a bunch of other stuff was legal not that long ago, and the game's popularity didn't struggle when they were outlawed.