Kiffin: "Tua Would Have Transferred if He Hadn't Played"

It's classless, unethical, unprofessional, and there are unwritten rules about it to which most coaches adhere. Better?

Now recite your source of your statement claiming that Kiffin has led to a 30% enrollment increase at FAU.

Butthurt would be making things up to defend an obvious clown.

Kiffin recruited Tua and Hurts to Bama. He's also very close to the families because of said recruitment. If you can't see why that isn't the reason he was asked about the situation, you are truly a butt hurt "grown up."

There is nothing "classless, unethical, unprofessional" and there sure as hell aren't any rules against it. After all, unwritten rules are NOT rules or laws.

Lastly, The President/Chancellor of FAU was on ESPN during FAU's conference title game and bowl game talking about how the big turnaround in football has resulted in a 30% enrollment increase. He's said this on TV and interviews on 5 individual occasions. Go back and watch the games if you want to hear it.

But I digress, we have a bunch of children posing as adults who hate anything about specific people regardless of the context.

I am now certain that Derek Dooley, Butch Jones, and Lane Kiffin could cure cancer and you would find a way to complain about it.
But I digress, we have a bunch of children posing as adults who hate anything about specific people regardless of the context.

And on the flip side, we have a bunch of children acting like the scorned ex-girlfriend who cannot get over the boyfriend twice removed.


People's infatuation with that man defies all logic and reason. Just like your infatuation with Dan Mullen.
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And on the flip side, we have a bunch of children acting like the scorned ex-girlfriend who cannot get over the boyfriend twice removed.


People's infatuation with that man defies all logic and reason. Just like your infatuation with Dan Mullen.

Using the ex girlfriend analogy is really cool bro. Since that has never been close to what happened here, keep dying on that hill.

Also between Florida and UT, Florida got the better coach. So not sure what you are getting at here with the Mullen hate.

Lastly, at least I don't get my panties in a wad like you folks because of another grown man in a sport that does not have a life or death impact on your day to day. I don't know, maybe the Gruden thing has you shaken still.
Using the ex girlfriend analogy is really cool bro. Since that has never been close to what happened here, keep dying on that hill.

Also between Florida and UT, Florida got the better coach. So not sure what you are getting at here with the Mullen hate.

Lastly, at least I don't get my panties in a wad like you folks because of another grown man in a sport that does not have a life or death impact on your day to day. I don't know, maybe the Gruden thing has you shaken still.

Using the scorned ex-GF analogy is far closer to the truth than you'd like to admit. But it's okay.

And it will remain to be seen who got the better coach between UF and UT. You cannot say "Mullen is better" since his record isn't indicative of what many would constitute a "top level hire."

lol at panties in a wad. You're just the most adorable poster in the land!
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Another thing about this story of Kiffin's that doesn't hold water is that Tua's dad moved their entire family to just south of Birmingham from Hawaii and enrolled his younger brother (class of '19) in high school there.

That's quite a commitment, sacrifice, and expense to move there and then just up and move in less than a year later. I'm not buying it.

Kiffin, as usual being the attention-seeking douche-nozzle that he is, just stirring the pot.
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There is nothing illegal about it at all. It’s amazing how butthurt so called grown ups are over a sport.
lol... It's like you've got a bat signal set to go off so you can race to defend Kiffin at every turn. I've said many times that I even though I didn't like it, I understand why he left Tennessee.

All I'm saying is that It's obviously flat out illegal under NCAA rules to tamper with an athlete at another institutin. Merely talking about a situation doesn't rise to that level, but it's just not a road most coaches want to go down. It makes him look like an attention whore.
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lol... It's like you've got a bat signal set to go off so you can race to defend Kiffin at every turn. I've said many times that I even though I didn't like it, I understand why he left Tennessee.

All I'm saying is that It's obviously flat out illegal under NCAA rules to tamper with an athlete at another institutin. Merely talking about a situation doesn't rise to that level, but it's just not a road most coaches want to go down. It makes him look like an attention whore.

Since you’re so certain, what proof do you have that Kiffin did anything illegal. Commenting on a player isn’t tampering.
Commenting on a player isn’t tampering.
Relax. I already said that....

Merely talking about a situation doesn't rise to that level, but it's just not a road most coaches want to go down. It makes him look like an attention whore.

The point is, the head coach at FAU has no business gossiping about players in other programs. It's moves like this that make him come off as immature.
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Relax. I already said that....

The point is, the head coach at FAU has no business gossiping about players in other programs. It's moves like this that make him come off as immature.

First off he wasn't "gossiping." It's like you only read headlines. He was asked by Dan Patrick what he thought about the QB situation going into next year given the controversy that has been created with Tua starting the second half.

There is no difference in what he said as someone who has relationships with Tua and Hurts and their respective families and what the likes of Sumlin, Luke, Gundy, and Bobo saying that Hurts should be pulled and after the game saying there is going to be "transfer controversy" after the game ended.

So why is it okay for coaches with zero insight/preexisting relationships with two QB's and their families, but not the guy who recruited them to Bama who is pretty knowledgeable about the situation?

Where is your anti-Sumlin, Gundy, Luke, Bobo campaign at for "tampering" as you say.

But hey, keep hating bro.
First off he wasn't "gossiping." It's like you only read headlines. He was asked by Dan Patrick what he thought about the QB situation going into next year given the controversy that has been created with Tua starting the second half.

There is no difference in what he said as someone who has relationships with Tua and Hurts and their respective families and what the likes of Sumlin, Luke, Gundy, and Bobo saying that Hurts should be pulled and after the game saying there is going to be "transfer controversy" after the game ended.

So why is it okay for coaches with zero insight/preexisting relationships with two QB's and their families, but not the guy who recruited them to Bama who is pretty knowledgeable about the situation?

Where is your anti-Sumlin, Gundy, Luke, Bobo campaign at for "tampering" as you say.

But hey, keep hating bro.

You’re completely missing the point. Legal or not, there’s a line that he crossed. Same reason the UT AD couldn’t directly talk to coaches after the UGA beatdown. I’m sure it’s probably more of an unspoken rule, but notice the coaches that do this are always the biggest attention seekers (Harbaugh and Kiffin)
You’re completely missing the point. Legal or not, there’s a line that he crossed. Same reason the UT AD couldn’t directly talk to coaches after the UGA beatdown. I’m sure it’s probably more of an unspoken rule, but notice the coaches that do this are always the biggest attention seekers (Harbaugh and Kiffin)

"Unwritten rules" are not real rules and they have zero consequences of punishment, fines, or suspensions.
Where is your anti-Sumlin, Gundy, Luke, Bobo campaign at for "tampering" as you say.

For the third time... I clearly stated that I didn't think it rose to the level of tampering. And I've got no clue what anybody else said. I just think Kiffin went a little farther than an opposing should go in talking about behind the scenes stuff at another school.
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Seems like there's plenty of people still upset about Kiffin leaving almost 10 years later. There's no denying his a great offensive guy but he's definitely immature with twitter. That being said, why are all of you getting so pissy about a question he was asked on a radio show?
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Using the ex girlfriend analogy is really cool bro. Since that has never been close to what happened here, keep dying on that hill.

Also between Florida and UT, Florida got the better coach. So not sure what you are getting at here with the Mullen hate.

Lastly, at least I don't get my panties in a wad like you folks because of another grown man in a sport that does not have a life or death impact on your day to day. I don't know, maybe the Gruden thing has you shaken still.

dude it is totally the ex that can't let go thing here.

You are falling all over yourself to white knight for the guy, and you have him as your avi. you are defending him from the biotches at school while still wearing his letterman jacket.
dude it is totally the ex that can't let go thing here.

You are falling all over yourself to white knight for the guy, and you have him as your avi. you are defending him from the biotches at school while still wearing his letterman jacket.

I don't really believe much that Kiffin says! Tired of Vols fans kissing up to him also. Yeah he's a great offensive mind, but he's an asshat!

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