The Myspace site is flat out dangerous for college athletes. Not only having one for yourself but what your friends have on thier site can be bad as well. Just imagine all the dig pics that are taken with camera phones and such. There was the Northwestern womens soccer thing that got several of them suspended for hazing. There has been talk of convicting or suspending players shown drinking underage on thier own myspace pages and on others myspace pages. I even read that they are solving crimes from people bragging about them on myspace. Today's collegate athelete has to walk a very thin line and myspace is a bit of pandoras box IMO.
i posted a thread on this subject yesterday but got moved to other boards. I guess the title was not sufficient. Anyways, I think this myspace stuff is walking a thinline with the athletes.

You never want to see improper language or leaches who are unsavory characters leaving public messages especially under age girls. Most of these players are 1 or 2 years out of high school and still associate with their home town school. I think players should be banned from myspace and any that do should result from suspension. Nothing but bad things can arise from this website.

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