We have a RB/DB here in So Pitt that is flying under the radar this year . He's has offers from UT, MTSU, Chattnooga, and Illinois . Thats the ones I know about and he's not rated on rivals or scout . He set a school record for rushing ina single season with over 2400 yards . And was championship game OF player of the game .
I agree. I know SteelerVol said TN High's QB couldn't hit the broadside of clean air with the ball, but he didn't seem to have a great year.
Those smoke stacks must be producing something in the air. I remember going there when I was real young and my grandmother lived there. That place was nothing but a hole in the wall.
So To break that down:
Tennessee Commits - 5 of 25
Kentucky Commits - 2 of 25
Vandy Commits - 2 of 25
Duke - 3 of 25
Alabama - 1 (ugh)
And hopefully if we get Antonio and Cameron, we will have 7 of the 25. And I WISH we could swing Jabriel, just to lock the state's top 5 players down.
Until we start pumping some money into our little league and high school football programs, we aren't gonna see too many 5*'s in-state. Most of our little league programs are still the volunteer coach playing his son in the position he wants(usually qb) and ignoring the development of the rest of the team and many of our high schools still have to depend on a teacher/coach.
careful with that egg nog there...i dont think we will get many 5 stars until the african american percentage of our states population goes up.and we dont have control of that....im curious...how many of the current 5 stars for 2011 across the usa are white?
careful with that egg nog there...i dont think we will get many 5 stars until the african american percentage of our states population goes up.and we dont have control of that....im curious...how many of the current 5 stars for 2011 across the usa are white?