Kremlin Campaign to Divide Americans


Vol Main

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda

Worse than Watergate.
Some VN members talk like this man, Russian state TV host Evgeny Popov, "The Department of Justice opened a criminal case against our own Donald Trump! They're investigating Trump's actions before the storming of the Capitol last January and his attempts to nullify the outcome of a fake, unfair, falsified U.S. presidential election."

Did the Kremlin stooge say, "our own Donald Trump?" Yes, that is what he said, "our own Donald Trump!"

Russian state TV host rages that DOJ might put 'our Trump' in prison for trying to steal election
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Are we now recycling the Russia interference narrative again? It's quite clear by now that Russia isn't the one influencing anything, its the Chinese. We've de-industrialized ourselves and shipped everything to them and in return, they export their CCP style control mechanisms and bribe or coerce our political leaders.
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda
At some point you have to look in the mirror please

Russia was never about "Go Trump." It was always "Screw Hillary."
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda
You can see the fruits of this commies labors in the Ukraine thread
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda
I guess Quesada will be looking into the Steele Dossier then. Excellent!
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Are we now recycling the Russia interference narrative again? It's quite clear by now that Russia isn't the one influencing anything, its the Chinese. We've de-industrialized ourselves and shipped everything to them and in return, they export their CCP style control mechanisms and bribe or coerce our political leaders.
Just polling to see the pulse of those who will continue to help drive it.
Are we now recycling the Russia interference narrative again? It's quite clear by now that Russia isn't the one influencing anything, its the Chinese. We've de-industrialized ourselves and shipped everything to them and in return, they export their CCP style control mechanisms and bribe or coerce our political leaders.
It's all they have.
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda

Thank god. So they’re finally going to bring the Clinton’s to justice for the Steele dossier?

Can’t believe that our own media outlets and intelligence agencies openly promoted that Russian propaganda for years.
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda

It's ironic because the "justice" dept has become America's kgb against conservatives. Talking about propoganda
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Yes you can , and you are just waiting until 2 D’s sees the thread and tells us all that we are actually Russian bots .. we just don’t know it .

If you post lines that are known work products of Russia's military counter-intelligence, then you should expect folks to take you as either a willing stooge for Russia or a useful idiot who is unwittingly serving Russia. You might fancy yourself as some kind of patriot who is smarter than everybody else, but the reality is that is not what you are.
If you post lines that are known work products of Russia's military counter-intelligence, then you should expect folks to take you as either a willing stooge for Russia or a useful idiot who is unwittingly serving Russia. You might fancy yourself as some kind of patriot who is smarter than everybody else, but the reality is that is not what you are.

I don’t think lilreb is a democrat. You guys did more for Russia than anyone.
I don’t think lilreb is a democrat. You guys did more for Russia than anyone.

Right .. I outgrew that whole “everybody is equal thing “ years ago when the left swapped the working class for the highly educated elite class . I’m in the Just leave me alone and stop taxing me to damn death party now .
If you post lines that are known work products of Russia's military counter-intelligence, then you should expect folks to take you as either a willing stooge for Russia or a useful idiot who is unwittingly serving Russia. You might fancy yourself as some kind of patriot who is smarter than everybody else, but the reality is that is not what you are.

I’ll quote Mr Man back to you … “ The 80s called , they want their foreign policy back “ . You small minded people are going to keep on worrying about the Russians and Trump while China slap your a$$ naked and takes all your sh!t .
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated. The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division

"The Justice Department accused Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of working for at least seven years on behalf of the Kremlin to recruit and pay American groups to 'publish pro-Russian propaganda.'”

DOJ accuses Russian operative of conspiring with U.S. groups to push propaganda

Now, you MUST tell us what you think about the Biden regime trading a Russian terrorist arms dealer for Britney Griner.

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