Kremlin Campaign to Divide Americans

No, I don't.

You don’t want touch that one huh? I guess all this makes sense. Your thing you quoted said it went back 7 years right? Hmmm, Trump was in charge for 4. So who was in charge for those other 3? Oh yeah your savior.

Dude give it a rest. Your party embarrassed itself for years trying to paint Trump in bed with Russia. It failed miserably. Now that your Jan 6th crap show is failing, you are becoming desperate.
Thank god. So they’re finally going to bring the Clinton’s to justice for the Steele dossier?

Can’t believe that our own media outlets and intelligence agencies openly promoted that Russian propaganda for years.

If you are replying to me, would you please, if you can, say something that is not really stupid?
If you are replying to me, would you please, if you can, say something that is not really stupid?

I don’t understand. You think it’s stupid to want to stop Russian propaganda or you don’t believe Russian misinformation that cost tax payers millions and divided our nation is relevant?
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