Kris Budden

I remember her when she was a ch 10 sports anchor. She struggled in that position at that time. She does really well now and has come a long way.
100% disagree with you that she struggled at WBIR. I loved her when she did sports on CH10. Furthermore, pretty sure she got her ESPN gig as a result of them reviewing her film from CH10. I've always been impressed with Kris from the first day I saw her on CH10.
absolute best sideline reporter in any sport on any network. She maintained her neutrality until she finished post game interview with TV and gave him a big hug.

Great job by Chris Burke and the announcing crew too.
ESPN's baseball crew is top notch. I like Peterson, Burke, and McDonald a lot. Ravich is fantastic, and yes, Kris Buden is too.
Ravich was horrible. He acted like he knew the thoughts of every Tex A&M play. Could not stop talking about first Florida St. then Texas A&m
I actually think Ravich is great. He was objective and gave flowers to all who deserved it. Burke is the weakest among them, but he's a Vol so I love him.
absolute best sideline reporter in any sport on any network. She maintained her neutrality until she finished post game interview with TV and gave him a big hug.

Great job by Chris Burke and the announcing crew too.
Spot. On. She’s classy, knowledgeable, and truly excellent! Best in the business!
100% disagree with you that she struggled at WBIR. I loved her when she did sports on CH10. Furthermore, pretty sure she got her ESPN gig as a result of them reviewing her film from CH10. I've always been impressed with Kris from the first day I saw her on CH10.
is she a local girl?
I enjoy KB's work. She's a true sideline reporter who you can tell puts a ton of work into being ready. I appreciate that.

And while some of the lead announcers are fine (Ravich is pretty clearly disinterested though), I'd honestly enjoy a game with just Burke and Peterson and no play by play guy. Just them talking baseball.

That's a big reason I love Tom Hart and wish he could take over the basketball and football spots at UT. He knows when to fade out and let the moment take over.
I can get behind this thought. I enjoyed McDonald, Peterson, and Burke overall. Budden was great, as always.

Ravich in the finals and Gregg Olson from the supers were unlistenable.
I have always thought Burke, Peterson, and McDonald are the best and most knowledgeable baseball announcers I have ever heard. Ravitch is like too many "professional" sportscasters, simple observations and tries to show excitement that only comes off as not genuine or a little too enthusiastic. Haven't been exposed to Budden (moved away from Knoxville in 1993) very much but she handled Coach Tony Vitello's postgame interview perfectly. Ben McDonald should have a new nickname, Ben "Trailer Hitch" McDonald.
100% disagree with you that she struggled at WBIR. I loved her when she did sports on CH10. Furthermore, pretty sure she got her ESPN gig as a result of them reviewing her film from CH10. I've always been impressed with Kris from the first day I saw her on CH10.

Budden and Courtney Lyle were both good sports reporters in Knoxville that ended up at ESPN.
100% disagree with you that she struggled at WBIR. I loved her when she did sports on CH10. Furthermore, pretty sure she got her ESPN gig as a result of them reviewing her film from CH10. I've always been impressed with Kris from the first day I saw her on CH10.
She didn't struggle at all at WBIR. They sent her to London to cover the 2012 Summer Olympics, and she and her producer were somehow able to secure a live interview with Michael Phelps at a time when Phelps and Usain Bolt were easily the two most famous Olympians. That was a real coup for a local news reporter from a small market. I would bet that was how she got on ESPN's radar.

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