Kris Budden

Not a fan.


The Texas-Nebraska volleyball title game last year was the height of my annoyance. Granted she was in a tough spot trying to keep the average viewer engaged since Texas was steamrolling them. But some of the calls on standard blocks/kills was over the top.

I should be able to listen to the tone of the play by play and differentiate a game winning shot from a 3 in the corner in a 25 point margin game with 4 minutes left. Sometimes she's too much.
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She didn't struggle at all at WBIR. They sent her to London to cover the 2012 Summer Olympics, and she and her producer were somehow able to secure a live interview with Michael Phelps at a time when Phelps and Usain Bolt were easily the two most famous Olympians. That was a real coup for a local news reporter from a small market. I would bet that was how she got on ESPN's radar.
So we are in agreement then - I was replying to someone that said she struggled.

The Texas-Nebraska volleyball title game last year was the height of my annoyance. Granted she was in a tough spot trying to keep the average viewer engaged since Texas was steamrolling them. But some of the calls on standard blocks/kills was over the top.

I should be able to listen to the tone of the play by play and differentiate a game winning shot from a 3 in the corner in a 25 point margin game with 4 minutes left. Sometimes she's too much.
The Texas Nebraska volleyball game? You might be the only person here that actually watched that.
The Texas Nebraska volleyball game? You might be the only person here that actually watched that.

My daughter plays volleyball. Its a growing sport. Will probably surpass womens basketball as the most watched women's sport in the next 20 years.
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My daughter plays volleyball. Its a growing sport. Will probably surpass womens basketball as the most watched women's sport in the next 20 years.
Same here. I have three daughters that play and it is the fastest growing women's sport, at least in our state, which I imagine is likely a microcosm of its popularity nationwide.
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My daughter plays volleyball. Its a growing sport. Will probably surpass womens basketball as the most watched women's sport in the next 20 years.
It's a fantastic women's sport. Until they lower the rims in basketball, that sport will depend on the Caitlin Clark's of the world (of which there are extremely few) to make it watchable (my opinion, which I realize is not shared by everyone, and that's ok). Imagine women's volleyball played on a men's net - that's the quality of sport you're getting with basketball.
The attendance for 2023 Volleyball championship was 19,727 the game was played in Tampa. The picture you posted was a match between Nebraska and Omaha played at Husker stadium

My mistake...didn't even really pay attention to the other team mentioned. Just saw Nebraska and thought the match being referenced was the huge outdoor match that got so much hype. Still, even 20k people for a women's vb championship match is well-attended.
100% disagree with you that she struggled at WBIR. I loved her when she did sports on CH10. Furthermore, pretty sure she got her ESPN gig as a result of them reviewing her film from CH10. I've always been impressed with Kris from the first day I saw her on CH10.
She struggled early on, I seen’t it.
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