'25 KS TE Da’Saahn Brame (Tennessee commit)

It's a good thing to know that we would've been the pick of the money was even.. We have a good TE committed already so let's take the money Brame wanted and spend it on more important positions
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I hate NIL. Not because I don’t want kids to get paid, but because it just gives the LotM something else to take out of context and cry about. We have to hear the same nonsense in every recruits thread that we don’t get.

wHy dOnT We hAVe A gOod niL liKE tHesE oThER tEaMs???

Nil probably got us on a lot of guys radar quicker. We have a very good NIL.

Bingo. This would’ve been a luxury. No big deal.
Please correct me if I’m wrong but TE room includes the following in no particular order:

Ethan Davis
Holden Staes
Charlie Browder

(Not including Kitselman b/c he’s a sr this year or Okoye, who I seem to recall hearing moved to D-line/edge)

Add Current commit Van Dorselaer to that list how crowded are we wanting that room?
Aren't we supposed to have one of the larger NIL programs? I feel like it's almost a monthly thing where we don't get a kid because of NIL.
What about the ones we do get? You can’t outbid for every recruit. Some programs pour a huge majority into a few recruits and some spread it out. Tennessee also spends a lot on its current players. Programs that are on top like GA, Bama and Ohio State have the luxury of not having to overpay.

I have a feeling we’re allocating more on the OL this cycle and QB
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