Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes

Nobody defends the riots. That's just a false claim. Rioters should he prosecuted and held responsible for their own actions, just as anyone else should.

Those championing Rittenhouse are too short sighted to see what his kind of action can lead to in other scenarios that might have you not so happy about.

I wasn't championing him. On the other hand we have political leaders and journalists proclaiming this is a license for white supremacy to go shoot people in the street and worse? What's your explanation for those over the top assessments of what took place?
Rioters by definition have that history.
BLM protestors do not have that history, and that accounts for 99%.
Lol more of this myth. Funny how Tennessee law enforcement and the Fusion Center has an active watch list of BLM “protestors” in the state and you should see their criminal histories 😂. As usual you are all feelz without any actual facts to back your crazy assertions
So a minority of instances of BLM protestors getting violent is no indication that they have a history of violence but a single picture of KR with no other indications is enough to brand him a White Supremacist.

That seems fair.
Of course there is a history of a small percentage of BLM protestors becoming rioters.
Just as there is a history of people taking pictures flashing the okay sign with proud boys having a good chance of being white supremacist.
So 1% of the Kenosha riots amounted to 50 million in damages? They must have been pretty effective at burning and destroying
Here’s how BLM works according to the left.
Anyone associating themselves with BLM that does good in the world, defends the poor, and escorts widows across the street are the real representatives of BLM.
Meanwhile the other 99.8% of the people who claim to be BLM, wear the shirts, are on the payroll, make the decisions, represent the organization in public forums…who also just so happen to burn down cities, extort $$ from individuals and businesses, adhere to and actively promote an evil Marxist ideology, confront and beat the shi* out of people when they try to defend their homes or businesses, try to redefine terms such as racism and equality, etc. Those people aren’t BLM, they are rioters.

For references, see the post just above mine 😉
Maybe I'm just more risk averse than others.

The jury made the right decision in a trial that never should have had to take place.

As for those of you who are enjoying pointing out the criminal histories of the deceased, I expect to see that same diligent reminding of past transgressions for others and not hear the lament of "X paid their dues, no need to bring it up" when the situation presents itself for others.
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Maybe I'm just more risk averse than others.

The jury made the right decision in a trial that never should have had to take place.

As for those of you who are enjoying pointing out the criminal histories of the deceased, I expect to see that same diligent reminding of past transgressions for others and not hear the lament of "X paid their dues, no need to bring it up" when the situation presents itself for others.

Did the deceased actually pay their dues?

They are fully rehabilitated now.
Did the deceased actually pay their dues?

They are fully rehabilitated now.

If a court of law said they did, then they did. That's the standard that's been established in this thread.

Let the dead bury the dead.
I have already seen all the actual video from the incident and read all of the reports.

He murdered someone with a firearm that was in his possession illegally. He then murdered and shot a couple other people.

Give him the chair.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaz

Killsd two assholes. Did the world a solid.

And will get rich of of the MSM.

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Should KR have allowed himself to be beaten, possibly to death? Is that your idea of a "fair" outcome in all of this. Open carry allowed him to protect himself from violence he didn't initiate, so it seems to have worked.
Well by having a gun, he surrendered the right to defend himself. I heard that somewhere recently

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