La Resistance Thread

I think as a group, we tend to give too much credit/blame to the President. There isn't a whole lot they do which effects my economic viability. Of course, I am not a coal producer or fracker, either.
Agree 100%. Once I sit down and think it through a Trump loss only hurts my pride and 'team spirit', which is probably a stupid thing to bank on anyway. I don't see anything in my immediate future really changing.
I think as a group, we tend to give too much credit/blame to the President. There isn't a whole lot they do which effects my economic viability. Of course, I am not a coal producer or fracker, either.

Fuel prices rising hurt us and clients since the majority of our business is transportation related. Then it's clients capital expansion plans, when they slow we slow.
We survived Obama, grew some so I expect our growth to slow under Biden/Harris but we'll survive. Or sell and ride off into the sunset, either way we'll make it.
Yep that’s where I am. I can hold what I’ve got and work 3 more years as planned and I’m done. Or if they tank it and pay me to leave I get to leave early. Either way I’m gonna be fine.
I think as a group, we tend to give too much credit/blame to the President. There isn't a whole lot they do which effects my economic viability. Of course, I am not a coal producer or fracker, either.
Oh i think a POTUS can affect tremendous change with a compliant Congress. We just haven’t had that for a while.
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Fuel prices rising hurt us and clients since the majority of our business is transportation related. Then it's clients capital expansion plans, when they slow we slow.
Does your company hedge fuel increases by investing in petroleum commodity futures?
I’m resisting fiber cereal. I don’t care how good it is for you, I can’t go into public for a full day after a bowl of Raisin Bran.
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You're right. The right mix and it can be seismic shifts. The ACA is a good example of that.
Look at Clinton though. While an amoral cesspool he was highly effective at working across party lines. And he was the last one we’ve had to do that. Since then it’s either been partisan Congress or I’ve got a pen and a phone.

Joe will not have a compliant Congress and his pen and phone are going to be judged by a non compliant SCOTUS. He is a milktoast leader so it’s just going to be two wasted years to mid terms and see what shakes out.

I think Biden is going to absolutely fail on leadership he’s a complete empty suit so we’re just gonna be adrift for at least two years.
Invent smoking yoga and franchise it to wealthy soccer moms as the next big thing.

I have 100% smoked while doing yoga. I sometimes smoke when biking. I smoke while hiking. I've even smoked mid coitus.

It's been my biggest setback of 2020. I'm back to 2 packs a day.
My resistance plan is to chant my calming mantra of, "ohm, ohm, ohm", over and over again. It's a measured approach to resistance.

It's tough since I've been looking at some of these results and going watt, watt, watt!?
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Yep, McConnell gets to dust off and put back on his Captain Obstruction costume from the Obama years. Hope he can get it past that ever drooping chin of his.
Yep! It worked great to. But that’s ok you still have court packing 😂
Look at Clinton though. While an amoral cesspool he was highly effective at working across party lines. And he was the last one we’ve had to do that. Since then it’s either been partisan Congress or I’ve got a pen and a phone.

Joe will not have a compliant Congress and his pen and phone are going to be judged by a non compliant SCOTUS. He is a milktoast leader so it’s just going to be two wasted years to mid terms and see what shakes out.

I think Biden is going to absolutely fail on leadership he’s a complete empty suit so we’re just gonna be adrift for at least two years.
Joe won’t last a year. Then he// will break lose.
All I’ve learned from this is that Americans love to vote for really old dudes. We got crazy turn out from both parties with septuagenarians.

Imagine, Dole v. Carter 2020 and we hit 90% participation!!!

Exactly why we should consider a younger and more diverse candidate next election.

Ivanka Trump 2024 with Candace Owens as her running mate.
I have 100% smoked while doing yoga. I sometimes smoke when biking. I smoke while hiking. I've even smoked mid coitus.

It's been my biggest setback of 2020. I'm back to 2 packs a day.
Your future looks hazy.
What are you resisting? Trump hasn't lost yet and is trying to shut down vote counting. If trump does lose, you're sarcastic resistance will likely become more urgent once Biden begins to build his "socialist paradise."

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