This was my biggest reservation as well. We won’t be able to count on Rennia every night for a performance like that. I truly believe she can be a consistent 20pt a night player but she needs help.
I’m hopeful that as Lou’s knee improves she can become an 8-10 pt. player. She’s a real calming force out there and I anticipate her 3s will start falling as that knee gets better and she has more lift. Same for Rae, she could be the x-factor off the bench this season.
I was impressed with the mid range jumpers that Kamara hit. In past seasons, you would not expect points from her but now she should be able to chip in a few. Key, as season goes on, will become more and more of a post threat.
Defensively, all the signs are that the LVs are going to be much better than last season. They will help keep them in games but wins will require hitting some 3s. IF Rennia can be a consistent outside threat, that is huge plus but Brown and Burrell are going to help out behind the arc.
Horston has a nice stroke so can become another outside threat.
Rennie is kind of an unknown. She has some work to do. I think this game showed which players are really ready for the "test" right now.
Hopefully, she will fast track and become another shooter, that Kellie can keep on the floor.
From the small stretches I have seen, she has potential.
Also, I was critical of KK in earlier post but she did a nice job last nice. If she can build on that effort, that is another plus.