Lets look at the season as a whole. Tennessee came in with the arguably #1 or #2 pitcher in the nation. Good recruiting class, stable of good underclassment (Soph's, Juniors) and Davin/Shipman. Preseaon #1 and actually showed that they could back it up early in the season just rocking teams who chose to go right after these young kids. NOW....as the seasons has progressed, teams have done their homework. Our young hitters now have hitting profiles developed by other teams. No one knew us before. They had never seen our freshman, and our sophs had less time on the field than I did. Once the profiles were developed "good" coaching and pitch calling has come into play. D1 pitchers take advantage......they're opportunists......just like MLBB. We started a "team slump" as the season progressed. That IMO is attributed to two things. 1) good pitch calling, and 2) young anxious players not being as patient as they probably should. To me they've got to learn that getting deep into a count is not only ok, it frustrates pitchers over a game when several players can do it. There are a few of our kids that can and will take a pitcher deep, and actually there are a couple that seem to prefer to. We need more. Our BA has gone down as a team is IMO attributed to other teams developed profiles and our "eagerness" to hit. Which actually can work against you. I dont see alot of bad hitting mechanics, or bad approaches to at bats.........just need to be harder at bats to the pitchers, as a team. We not only need to be a tough hitting team....we need to be a tough at bat team. If we get struck out after 9-12 pitches to me your still getting something out of both the batter and effecting the pitcher to a degree. We know we cant rely on the umpires to frustrate pitchers.........we have to do it. They are no longer going to go right at us. IMO I really want to see tougher at bats, and also movement in the box to keep pithcers guessing more. I think our kids are good enough hitters to crowd or move around in the box.