Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Was it Donny? He's a Florida man with three sons, has professed an interest in injecting disinfectants, and has a history of selling snake oil.

You’re a lawyer, why don’t you chase this ambulance all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Everybody doubts your first statement, about the second statement .. you can’t chase anything while your hiding in a brownstone , wearing a mask and peeking out through the blinds at your neighbors to make sure there’s not a gathering of noncompliant people on a sidewalk .

Knox County has had 5 people die in the last 7 days from the Coronavirus. There have been over 100 new cases of the Coronavirus reported in Knox County, with 34 resulting in hospitalizations.
Well I didn’t get my test results back today but my body feels like it just ran a marathon, all day. Today has been lethargy, coughing, and minor aches and pains. None of it is serious, it’s more annoyance because I want to be out doing other things. I’ve confined myself to my room and just lay around and sleep and take aspirin and vitamins. Had the wife pick me up some zinc tablets too.

I can kind of see if one had an underlying condition or was weak how this could be dangerous, I guess. It still feels like a cold or the Flu, IMO.

I’m hoping to get my test results back tomorrow.

I had onset of symptoms Saturday night. Anybody know when I should start feeling better?
So the CDC defines exposure as at least 15 minutes of face to face contact with both parties not wearing a mask and one party being a carrier.

In other words, I can go thru life without wearing a mask and never have to worry about exposure unless my wife is a carrier.

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