Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

They ostracized, ridiculed, de-platformed, and banned the people that had it right in real time. They refused to listen.

They wanted them arrested and placed into quarantine camps against their will. They wanted their children removed from their custody.

I forgive nothing. And I never will.
what the "we were doing our best" crowd fails to recognize is that they were a toxic mix of "i'm smarter than you" and authoritarian impulses. real, significant, lasting damage was the result and the best they can muster is "oops"

My problem has always been the "my way or the highway" approach. Good healthy debate is good. ....
What is not OK is when one side gets ostracised, sensored, called conspiracy theorists, deplatformed etc. when they share an opinion (an opinion we now know was correct) that's different from the accepted view that's being pushed by the WHO and others.
what the "we were doing our best" crowd fails to recognize is that they were a toxic mix of "i'm smarter than you" and authoritarian impulses. real, significant, lasting damage was the result and the best they can muster is "oops"
Significant, lasting damage on so many fronts. Not to mention some of their most sacred hopes and desires.

Large swaths of the medical profession saying “I won’t treat those people”.
State run Universal Healthcare? Kiss that dream goodbye.

“Shut up you dumb rube. Trust the experts.”
But you can still trust the experts on man made climate change? Forget about that.

“You don’t need an armed citizenry to protect against an overreaching Government”.
Australia, Britain, Canada, and calls for camps in the United States. Yea, sure.
I despise our government!

A major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities has found that Covid death rates among the traditionalist groups of citizens are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.

The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions.

But the separated communities didn’t avoid catching the virus, however, as roughly 90% of the Amish have been infected with Covid.

He added that diseases like ADD, autoimmune disease, PANDAS PANS, or epilepsy basically don’t exist among Amish children.

Kirsch also said the federal government has studied Amish communities for decades without releasing a public report.

He alleged that publishing such information would “be devastating” to the CDC and expose their recommendations as harmful to Americans.
I despise our government!

A major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities has found that Covid death rates among the traditionalist groups of citizens are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.

The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions.

But the separated communities didn’t avoid catching the virus, however, as roughly 90% of the Amish have been infected with Covid.

He added that diseases like ADD, autoimmune disease, PANDAS PANS, or epilepsy basically don’t exist among Amish children.

Kirsch also said the federal government has studied Amish communities for decades without releasing a public report.

He alleged that publishing such information would “be devastating” to the CDC and expose their recommendations as harmful to Americans.
I would venture a guess that diet, exercise, and weight were the primary contributors to their health
Trump simply wanted to actually have hydroxychloroquine if it was needed for widespread distribution. It's cheap and has been prescribed for decades. Very simple to understand. It's disgusting how the left has been spinning this. Expected, of course, but disgusting.
Fish tank cleaner...

Hydroxychloroquine Associated With Lower COVID-19 Mortality: French Study

Just 0.8 percent of patients at a facility in France who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and an antibiotic died, compared to 4.8 percent of patients who did not receive the drug combination, French researchers reported on Nov. 1.

"This study represents the largest single-center study evaluating HCQ-AZ in the treatment of COVID-19. Similarly, to other large observational studies, it concludes that HCQ would have saved lives," Dr. Didier Raoult, with Aix-Marseille Universite in Marseille, and his co-authors wrote.
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I would venture a guess that diet, exercise, and weight were the primary contributors to their health

I would suspect that TNVolNavy is spreading another report that is a pure lie...

The actual death rates for 2 most populous Amish counties in the US.

And 3 more that talks about the excess death rates..

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I would suspect that TNVolNavy is spreading another report that is a pure lie...

The actual death rates for 2 most populous Amish counties in the US.

And 3 more that talks about the excess death rates..

I did not even read the article he quoted but what I gathered from the articles you provided was at a minimum the Amish and Mennonites faired just as well as the rest of the country even though they changed absolutely nothing in the way they lived their lives. Just that simple fact should get your blood boiling. Let that sink in. In general the Amish did not social distance, the majority didn't get vaccinated, they didn't mask unless forced to......all of this and at a minimum they faired just as well as the rest of society. When you consider all of the people who got fired for refusing to take part in an experiment and you consider all of the small businesses who were forced to shut down. All this does is prove that we have a bunch of power hungry lunatics in control and we have way to many sheep who are willing to do whatever they are told to do.

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