If a private company wants to ban them, do it. The government should not be telling which people can or can not walk down the street. Do we do this for other communicable diseases? If they are willing to make it a full time across the board policy I am less against this.
Are they going to come after people with the flu anytime they MIGHT come across an at risk population?
What happens when the government doesnt catch everyone? That's not a a what if, thata a "when".
How much are you going to forgive the government doing?
Maybe they are sick and on their way to the hospital? Can they not go care for sick relatives or friends? Do the sick not have the right to be fed and get food? Or should we just go ahead and board up their buildings comrade luther? Right them off for the greater good.
Btw, and slightly off topic, have you seen the movie Hot Fuzz?