Lawgator, watch out this Saturday.

I heard about this yesterday and saw some coverage of it on ESPN today. In context, it wasn't all that bad. Media is hyping it up to be much worse to help sell interest in the game. I am sure it will be talked about during the pregame shows.

Tebow isn't likely to react fearfully to this. My only hope is that our offensive line, which has underachieved at levels I did not think possible, will take it as a personal challenge to keep the guy from ever getting the chance to make good on the threat.
I heard about this yesterday and saw some coverage of it on ESPN today. In context, it wasn't all that bad. Media is hyping it up to be much worse to help sell interest in the game. I am sure it will be talked about during the pregame shows.

Tebow isn't likely to react fearfully to this. My only hope is that our offensive line, which has underachieved at levels I did not think possible, will take it as a personal challenge to keep the guy from ever getting the chance to make good on the threat.
need to root for the defense to get much better, very quickly or you're looking at a repeat of last season.
..... In context, it wasn't all that bad. Media is hyping it up to be much worse to help sell interest in the game. I am sure it will be talked about during the pregame shows..

Agreed. Nothing new here. Tebow is a target every week. I am sure he already knows that.
Didn't a Florida State Linebacker say this last year? I remember either the first play, or one of the first plays he ran for about a 50 yard TD run? I might be mistaken but I do for a fact remember Tebow running all over them and making that LB look like an idiot.
need to root for the defense to get much better, very quickly or you're looking at a repeat of last season.
I feel confident that our D will step up to the challenge and minimize the run game. I did not say stop, I said minimize. Last week we gameplanned for pass against Petrino, but for some unknown reason our D coordinator did not adjust till the second half, neither did our O coordinator for that matter. However, I feel good about this game because historically our Run D, when we are preparing for the Run, is good and keeps the damage minimal. They have very good recievers, but I will put them against our corners all day. A freshman quarterback that has not started on the road yet who is capable of making plays, but I figure he can't beat us by himself. However, he can beat us along with that run game. If our O can get it going early in this one, it should be good for us, but if we wait to get things going in the second half, I fear it will be too late.
I feel confident that our D will step up to the challenge and minimize the run game. I did not say stop, I said minimize. Last week we gameplanned for pass against Petrino, but for some unknown reason our D coordinator did not adjust till the second half, neither did our O coordinator for that matter. However, I feel good about this game because historically our Run D, when we are preparing for the Run, is good and keeps the damage minimal. They have very good recievers, but I will put them against our corners all day. A freshman quarterback that has not started on the road yet who is capable of making plays, but I figure he can't beat us by himself. However, he can beat us along with that run game. If our O can get it going early in this one, it should be good for us, but if we wait to get things going in the second half, I fear it will be too late.
what does this mean? you gameplanned for the pass so forgot that teams might actually run the ball?

I don't care what you gameplanned, I guarantee that you went into that game planning to stop run first, as every defensive coordinator worth his salt does.

There is no defensing the pass without stopping the run.

I just think you don't have the defensive talent necessary to stop the run.
what does this mean? you gameplanned for the pass so forgot that teams might actually run the ball?

I don't care what you gameplanned, I guarantee that you went into that game planning to stop run first, as every defensive coordinator worth his salt does.

There is no defensing the pass without stopping the run.

I just think you don't have the defensive talent necessary to stop the run.
Hey, you're preaching to the choir. I was saying the same thing as you. We came out and played 3 down lineman most of the time. All you heard leading up to the game was about Petrino and the passing game from Meyer. It seems we bank on that and did not change our D calls till late in the 3rd quarter. It bothers me that this coaching staff sometimes does not adjust until it's too late. yea, it was arkansas, but if we run up against a great team (LSU), we can't do that. On the talent level comment - I believe we have the talent. Do we they play to their capabilities, well, that is another question. Their O Line is enormous, but I think we can limit the run game and make the qb beat us in certain situations. Hopefully....:ermm:
Florida's defense is better than it was last year, but still prone to giving up big plays because of inadequacies in the defensive secondary. I am not sure we can get any better there, just may be limited by the personnel. Teams with good QBs, offensive lines that can pass-protect, and experienced receivers can score against us and that's just the way it is.

Our offense has still not played to its potential, IMO. There has been no break-out game for either the offense generally or any one or two players. I am not sure of exactly what the problem is. It could be that it is simply too much going on all at once. It could be that moving players in and out like we do is making it tough for any of them to develop any sort of rhythm.

The one thing I am sure of is that the offensive line is not performing as one would expect of this group and Tebow is not going to be able to be successful if he has no time back there. That should be the focus of our offensive coordinators right now -- buying Tebow time.

Would like to see us abandon the empthy backfield for a little bit, in that regard.
Florida's defense is better than it was last year, but still prone to giving up big plays because of inadequacies in the defensive secondary. I am not sure we can get any better there, just may be limited by the personnel. Teams with good QBs, offensive lines that can pass-protect, and experienced receivers can score against us and that's just the way it is.

Our offense has still not played to its potential, IMO. There has been no break-out game for either the offense generally or any one or two players. I am not sure of exactly what the problem is. It could be that it is simply too much going on all at once. It could be that moving players in and out like we do is making it tough for any of them to develop any sort of rhythm.

The one thing I am sure of is that the offensive line is not performing as one would expect of this group and Tebow is not going to be able to be successful if he has no time back there. That should be the focus of our offensive coordinators right now -- buying Tebow time.

Would like to see us abandon the empthy backfield for a little bit, in that regard.

Tebow is your entire offense until he leaves Gainesville. Get used to it.
him being hobbled and loss of two great receivers has put it on Tebow to be the horse, which he has proven not to be.

He throws some UGLY passes considering he is the greatest football player in college football history.
him being hobbled and loss of two great receivers has put it on Tebow to be the horse, which he has proven not to be.
I guess it's irrelevant that we have are the highest scoring team in the conference, or the fact he has the highest QB rating in the conference. James can't run every punt back for a touchdown. All Tebow haters.
I guess it's irrelevant that we have are the highest scoring team in the conference, or the fact he has the highest QB rating in the conference. James can't run every punt back for a touchdown. All Tebow haters.

Technically, you are wrong. He doesn't have the highest QB rating in the conference. Kieland Williams holds that spot. If you are going by pure QB's, than it would be Joe Cox from Georgia, Nick Stephens, then Tebow.

He's 5th in passing yards.
I guess it's irrelevant that we have are the highest scoring team in the conference, or the fact he has the highest QB rating in the conference. James can't run every punt back for a touchdown. All Tebow haters.
have you noticed the shoddy offenses in the conference and the fact that you have played some weak defenses to date. In fact, our was by far the best D you've seen and your O didn't look very good. The 30 points wasn't because Tebow did something special.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Thanks, I wasn't even aware...

Beautiful 4 losses last year, and a gorgeous loss to Ole Miss.
Beautiful trophy our QB is polishing still. I mean if you really wanna talk about last year it was a mere 52 TD's. I'm not sure you wanna bring that up. Our D lost us games last year. If we had a D even close to what we have this year we would have lost 1 - 2 games.
have you noticed the shoddy offenses in the conference and the fact that you have played some weak defenses to date. In fact, our was by far the best D you've seen and your O didn't look very good. The 30 points wasn't because Tebow did something special.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
He didn't have to. You rolled over. Your D is close to being the best in the conference, I'm not afraid to admit that. We did put together some decent drives on offensive calls that were so vanilla it was ridiculous.
Beautiful trophy our QB is polishing still. I mean if you really wanna talk about last year it was a mere 52 TD's. I'm not sure you wanna bring that up. Our D lost us games last year. If we had a D even close to what we have this year we would have lost 1 - 2 games.

Well, you're on a pretty good pace to lose two or more this year, so maybe that prediction is close to being accurate.

If I were him, I'd quit polishing my trophy from last year and letting the media get on their knees for me and beat an unranked Ole Miss team at home.

Trophy or not, 4 losses or not, a loss at home this year or not... He plain and simple throws some pretty hideous passes at times. That's all I'm saying.

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