Man, during the Olympics or some world championships I'll watch pretty much anything- a lot of stuff that just wouldn't remotely seem worth taking the time to watch otherwise...
I think an exception would be cricket. The game's not that bad but they play it for up to 3 days. That's sick.
I think hockey is a fantastic game- that is usually so infested with monkey fights and the simans who have them that it just ticks me off.
Soccer's okay, but they either designed it so that it was either too hard or too easy, because, even worse than pro baseball, sometimes you can wait half the afternoon for that one split second that determines the whole freaking game. The ultimate of that, though, is watching 100+ mile car racing on t.v. (as opposed to in person). Unless, of course, you're watching the race on a little t.v. while you're at a race. In person, a long race is a party where a whole lot pretty girls showed up and every now a then a whole bunch of serious cars went by real fast. Man, on t.v., it's a real, real convincing argument that watching fishing tournaments isn't the lowest you can go.