Leave My Fishing Alone

Now why would Obama care how many carp and brim you catch ? :eek:lol:
this is stupid, but what do you expect

There was a protest rally in Washington back in the middle of Feb attended by about 5 to 7,000 people.


(Notice how a bunch of flaming libs are trying to position themselves with the people, if not for the acts of said flaming libs, we wouldn't be at this point to begin with.)

Fishermen rally in Washington against regulations

Imo what obozo is doing here is a not so subtle attempt at beginning to enact the terrible UN LOST treaty that gives the UN emminent domain over all the oceans and the resources in or beneath them.

Originally this was voted in during some UN pow wow with all countries voting for it except the US, Israel, Turkey and Venezuella. (we've lost Venezuella and probably Turkey since then.)

For instance European commercial fishermen pay exorbitant fees to coastal African countries whose subsustance fishermen find it increasingly hard to make a living but the money paid to the Afican countries doesn't trickle down very well to help out the guys in the little wooden boats with home made nets which is so typical of all corrupt UN programs.

The wording of the LOST treaty is a bit ambiguous about coastal waters but does concern them also and if/when they get that they will want domain over inland waterways and eventually all water resources just as they want domain over the atmosphere through AGW carbon trading, etc.

Of course they work within and without various countries, our endangered species act, clean air act, clean water act and lots of other things dovetail with the UN agenda.

Environmental activists have abandoned science in favour of sensationalism.

Morlock "what we're seeing coming at us is an attempted dismantling of the science-based fish and wildlife model that has served us so well. There's no basis in science for the agendas of these groups who are trying to push the public out of being able to fish and recreate."

(You can believe what I've been preaching for years that these wackos mean to end the consumption of red meat also and the sad part is that every little thing they get done is inching toward that goal, laugh but as in this case they are quite successful in the long run with all their crazy agenda.)

Gorbechev spoke to the soviet politburo in 1987 about the coming use of enviromentalism to establish socialist dominion over all the world and by 1992 the first earth summit was held in Rio (where john kerry met teresa heinz and became an instant billionaire) and gorbechev also presided over the kyoto protocol meeting.

“We must embrace Environmentalism, for Socialism to survive”-
Hans-Jochen Vogel, Chairman of the West German Social Democratic Party-1989

American communist party chief Gus Hall said that environmentalism would be the home of Communism in America.

Rent the old movie Soylent Green (1971) (most depressing movie I've ever seen, I didn't go to the movies for about five years after seeing it) and you will hear the professor attribute the plight of the environment to carbon emissions and rising global temperatures, almost word-for-word what professor algore has been saying for the last 20 years.

Eco-Nazi's Ten Commandments....

"And Gaia spoke all these words, saying: 'I am Gaia, goddess of the earth and mother of Sheryl Crow and the Manbearpig...

'You shall have no other goddesses before Me.'

'You shall not make for yourself any mode of transportation -- anything with an engine, that uses fuel from the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth, or in the forest.'

'You shall not take the name of Gaia, your goddess, in vain.'

'Remember the Flora and Fauna and keep them holy.'

'Honor the Spotted Owl, Snail Darter and Delta Smelt.'

'You shall not kill a flower or tree.'

"You shall not cross pollinate.'

'You shall not use steel.'

'You may bear false witness against your neighbor for using fossil fuels.'

'You may destroy your neighbor's house; your neighbor's wife, his male servant, his female servant, or his car, or his SUV, anything - if their Carbon Footprint is too large.'
i loved this picture!
i loved this picture!


Some of the socialist slogans in the 1917 bolshevik overthrow of the Russian government were:

Svoboda i Bratsva; 'freedom and brotherhood.'

But there was less freedom and no brotherhood, the new government was even more oppressive and citizens were encouraged to rat on their neighbors for politically incorrect attitudes.

Khleb i Zemlya; Bread and land but those wiath land were all killed and in the end if you weren't a member of the communist party you had little likelihood of getting bread.
You guys are retarded. Do you believe everything you read? I swear, just when you think republicans can't get any more ignorant...

Gas was much much higher when Bush was in office.

not really after this summer, also W didn't say he was going to regulate the speculators for driving the price up. W was a joke and i voted for the idiot we have now, but i don't see much difference. as long as gas stays high forget about any recovery for the economy, people will just stay home.
I'm an engineering major at WVU. I also flyfish whenever I have spare time. Mock me all you want.
I'm an engineering major at WVU. I also flyfish whenever I have spare time. Mock me all you want.

maybe your blanket mocking of people with different viewpoints than your own is leading to some the mocking directed at you?

So far you've labeled Republicans as dumb, ignorant, unable to think for themselves and lazy. You shouldn't be surprised that people redirect that.
maybe your blanket mocking of people with different viewpoints than your own is leading to some the mocking directed at you?

So far you've labeled Republicans as dumb, ignorant, unable to think for themselves and lazy
. You shouldn't be surprised that people redirect that.

which is ironic considering all the entitlement programs the dems push
I'm an engineering major at WVU. I also flyfish whenever I have spare time. Mock me all you want.

That being the case doesn't it look to you, if Obama is such a flyfisherman, that he is starting his forward cast way early?

I'm thinking that cast is going to end up in a pile maybe 20' in front of him.
Sorry, not all republicans. I was just generalizing.

so most democrats are lazy, and have no sense of fiscal responsibilty and are doing more damage to the poor than any group in history with the absurd entitlement systems, im not saying all just most
I'm an engineering major at WVU. I also flyfish whenever I have spare time. Mock me all you want.

Well lets just jump all in, if you really don't think this president of ours will regulate anything that he can get his hands on, then you need to wake up.
Well lets just jump all in, if you really don't think this president of ours will regulate anything that he can get his hands on, then you need to wake up.

maybe, but the republicans have no answers either. they both need to take a leave of absence and not come back.
You guys are retarded. Do you believe everything you read? I swear, just when you think republicans can't get any more ignorant...


I can tell by his form this is something he has rarely if ever done before. This screams photo op to me. Do you really think this guy cares in the least bit for fly fishing?

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