For the sake of debate... He has had more songs get radio play then John Legend...
Without doing any research, I gotta say that I highly doubt that, besides, it wouldn't make him a better artist that is for sure.
There is absolutely no comparison what so ever between John Legend and Trey Songz....none.
JL doesn't need Drake to have a hit record.
I'd also see your John Legend, and raise you J Holiday... And if you would prefer a writer/artist, The Dream has had more radio play than John Legend, and wrote a lot of people's stuff...
Again, totally different artists, but still, these guys could be considered to be in their prime or to have next... (The Dream says he's done after this last album, though...)
That's all i really got.. I know every generation says this as they get older but music for the most part sucks now.
Kings of Leon
(Cue at least three "KOL sold out" threads. I will preempt. If you were one of the 70K+ who saw this band two weeks ago at Bonnaroo, you were likely uttering words like "epic" or "colossal" as you proceeded towards another stage. Quite possibly the best show I've ever seen. They killed.)