I don't choose to partake in the green stuff, i don't like the feeling it gives.
That said, there were alot of times i met John Barleycorn that i would have been better off puffing some of that stuff.
In its pure form, it doesnt make people psychotic or violently defensive as do the "hard drugs", i don't see much fault in legalizing and taxing it, other than the fact that if you want weed, you only need to speak to 3 people before you have it, at most.
Something that is so easily accessible now is hard to put a sin tax on, as the current purveyors aren't going to raise prices to give uncle sam a take. Unless, say, there was a horse whipping penalty for untaxed weed.
because it doesn't have a chance of getting passed without the gov't getting a taste (not that it really has a chance with the pansies we have in office now)