Let The "mind Games" Begin



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
The teams have now been assembled. They got there'n, and we got our'n. They pulled in the #4 class in the SEC, We pulled in the #1. They got Chris Leak and hopefully his brother will remain faithful with his knowledge of our offense since he's played his last year. The way I see it Urchin really has nothing to study. our offense ,at least at QB is still up in the air and our first game probably will not show him anything. then again, we don't know what to expect out of them either since they will be establishing a new offense at Fl. Could be interesting!
Chris probably don't know it. Maybe why he didn't play. Who knows, who cares. Bring em' on and gig the Gaturds. :rocks:


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Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 3, 2005 10:27 AM
The way I see it Urchin really has nothing to study. our offense ,at least at QB is still up in the air and our first game probably will not show him anything

Thats not exactly true. UT runs pretty much the same system every year. Every coach that plays UT knows if UT can't run the ball effectively they won't beat a good team.
Amen, and that's why I b*tch and moan daily here and there. We are running a 1985 offense with wrinkles here and there. Everyone in the nation knows what we are going to run. Good thing we have better athletes than most.
Our offense had enough "wrinkles" in it to win 10 games a year the past two years. I even thought I saw some "sprinkles" on it this year.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Feb 3, 2005 4:28 PM
Amen, and that's why I b*tch and moan daily here and there. We are running a 1985 offense with wrinkles here and there. Everyone in the nation knows what we are going to run. Good thing we have better athletes than most.

That is a good point. We could really elevate ourselves with a little innovation in the playbook.
If Shaffer could throw the ball a little bit instead of wanting to tuck it and run the ball all the time we could rearrange the whole offense when he goes in and run the option some.....but we won't do that because its not UT football....Ever since I've been alive and watched UT football we've always ran the ball and everyone has talked about our running attack....Well this year we should have both a run and pass game and as much as I like CPF(he does approve most of the offensive calls am I right?), if he don't take more shots down the field this year with the receivers and arm we've got out there at QB then something is wrong with him
Fulmer and Sanders did do some unexpected things this year, playing freshman QBs and other freshmen, going to an "air game" against Texas A & M. I think they see the benifits of stepping closer to the edge, especially as it appeals to recruits looking at TN. I wouldn't be surprised to see things really open up this year.
That tired old offensive system we have used so long has been the result of placing Heath Shuler, the frist QB and the #3 pick in the 1994 NFL Draft, Peyton Manning, the #1 pick in the 98 draft, Tee Martin was signed by the steelers, currently playing for the Rhein Fire, and Casey Clausen, currently with the Kansas City organization.

It so closely mirrors the the offenses run by most NFL teams that it is no mystery why so many of the nation's greatest skill players look to UT first when considering a college.

That tired, uninspiring offense has won more SEC games in the last 10 years than any other team.

In fact, lets look at the numbers compared to some other great SEC teams.

Since 1993:

Tennessee - 119-31
Florida - 117-34-1
Auburn - 100-44-1
Georgia - 55-45-1
UT - LSU 90-53-1

Now, lets look at how many teams have won more games Nationally than we have.

FSU 124-25-1
Nebraska - 124-28

That's it.

We've won more games than USCw, Oklahoma, Miami of Fl., Ohio St.,
Michigan, Texas, ...

Now, which one of those offenses would you like us to copy? :D

If it ain't broke ........
Amen brother, But if they decide to add a wrinkle or two that would be alright too.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 4, 2005 1:01 PM
Amen brother, But if they decide to add a wrinkle or two that would be alright too.

The thing about those wrinkles, my wife always comes along and presses them out. Shucks, I don't let that bother me, I just go put some more in and you know what, she comes along and presses them out again.

Wrinkles were made to be pressed out.

That's why God created men, to make 'em, and He created women to press 'em out.

She says I must like wrinkles because I make so many.

As a matter of fact, laundry is a lot like football, isn't it? ;)
For some reason I kinda figured that someone taking the name "OldVol" would be sorta wrinkley.
Originally posted by OldVol@Feb 4, 2005 1:08 PM
That's why God created men, to make 'em, and He created women to press 'em out.

Oh, no, here we go. Come on ladies, let 'em have it!!!!

(And TBall, that wasn't very nice :naughty: )
Tennessee is still playing Ol' Johnny Ball some of the time....you know what a new concept is in football today....MAKING UP NEW PLAYS IN THE OFF-SEASON....but instead we concentrate on getting better athletes to run the same plays that we ran the year before.....that is why we are so predictable.....now the only time we weren't real predictable is when we had Peyton.....he ran our offense 45% of the time.....granted he didn't win a national championship.....but he has been our only wrinkle in the past 10 years.....no wonder why I was so excited to see Schaeffer play.....I like Schaeffer but he needs to lay off the caffeine and calm down out there.....he's gonna give someone a heart condition :p :beer:
i wish they would bring back the "O" with the qb boots and maybe some option too.

hey, i LOVE the fact that we can run the ball down the throats of most teams. if you cant stop us then why should we?

the cycles of play calling needs to change a bit. more passes on 1st 2nd downs. Didnt we have a pitch to running back TD pass this year?

the thought of our offense next year is freaking great. i just hope the Oline and Qb comes through.

what is worse for 05? QB or OL?
Neither.....Qb's will be fine and we played with a patchwork O-Line last year and still had 2000 yards rushing.....smashmouth football is ok....but why do we have all those receivers if we are just going to pound it down everyone's throat....oh that's right I remember we need to get a first down every now and again :dlol:
Originally posted by g8terh8ter_eric@Feb 4, 2005 3:40 PM
the only time we weren't real predictable is when we had Peyton.....

We ran the same plays with Peyton . . . it's just that he had a great arm and could read a defense better than anyone else and almost always put the ball in the right place.
Originally posted by g8terh8ter_eric@Feb 4, 2005 3:50 PM
oh that's right I remember we need to get a first down every now and again :dlol:

I am going to write a book called third and three at Tennessee. I think that we have more 3 and 3's than anybody.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 4, 2005 1:26 PM
For some reason I kinda figured that someone taking the name "OldVol" would be sorta wrinkley.

No way; the minute I see a wrinkle forming I go get a couple of Big Macs and that's that.
I think the best way to play ball is to establish a dominant running game; Solid line, great blocking, power running, five yards per carry off the bat. When that is going, do whatever you want. I call it the "I'm gonna go ahead and do what the h**l I want and there's nothing you can do about it, little man" offense.
Milo, sounds like you are describing your beloved Trojans but I think that's pretty much Fulmers philosophy. It probably would be every coaches philosophy if they had the horses to do it.

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