Let The "mind Games" Begin

Oscar Meyer can get all the info he wants, but it will do him no good. He's not playing in the Mountain West anymore.
i liked usc two years ago when they beat michigan. i was rooting hard for a lsu usc championship.
So Milo, can you tell me why TN will beat USC in the Championship game next year...hope your not offended by the ribbing :D
Man, you don't even come close to the ribbing I have gotten on here before. Anyways, I'll give you a synoptic answer.

Tennessee and USC Face Off in Pasadena for One of the Greatest Battles of All Time
Jan 4, 2006

Back in the days of black and white news reels, simpler times were around. Football was still primarily a sport for college kids while the professional league was viewed as somewhat unimportant at best, to seedy at its worst. Two times in the early era of football did USC and Tennessee face off in the Tournament of Roses and two times did the Trojans of Southern California walk away victorious. To add insult to injury, Tennessee's rivals Alabama were the first team to go in and defeat USC after a southern Californian dominance over the Rose Bowl.

Fast forward to 2005.

About this time last season, Tennessee was wrapping up what turned out to be somewhat of an awkward season. Sure, they had the wins. But the defense seemed to be nowhere to be found at the end of the season, until they waltzed into the Cotton Bowl and managed to make their defensive line into a wrecking crew and held Texas A&M to just seven points.

In sunny southern California, the Trojans retained their stranglehold on football in the western United States. With their only truly spotty win coming over California in a truly spectacular battle, USC came away with a victory in spite of one of the strongest all-time performances in a college game by a QB from Cal's Aaron Rodgers. They then walked into the Orange Bowl viewed as equal to Big XII juggernaut Oklahoma, only to leave the Sooners battered and embarassed after a humiliating 55-19 Trojan victory.

USC is now back in the national championship, and now it's on their own turf of Pasadena, just a few miles north of the Colliseum where the Trojans play all their home games. But this one will be no cake walk; They face off against the undefeated Volunteers of Tennessee.

The game got off to an exciting start, with balanced and inspired performances by both teams. Matt Leinart and Erik Ainge both demonstrated pinpoint passing abilities while Reggie Bush and LenDale White got into a battle of one-upsmanship with Tennessee ball-carrier Gerald Riggs, Jr.

Tennessee's defense, which had undergone one of the biggest turnarounds of college football in the year, were actually doing well to contain the offensive attack of Leinart and crew.

It's now the fourth quarter. One minute and thirty-six seconds remain on the clock, and Tennessee just got possesion of the ball after a kickoff stemming from a touchdown and two point conversion from the Trojans. USC leads 25-21. Tennessee starts on the twelve. Tennessee drives down the field five yards at a time, in one of the most frantic hurry-up offenses ever seen in the Rose Bowl. It's a great combination of Ainge and Riggs, doing what they do best. But the Trojans are not giving up the big play, managing to contain them both from scoring six.

Vols finally make it to the 26 yard line, but have two incomplete passes in a row. One of them close to being intercepted. Third down and 10 to go. 14 seconds left on the clock. Vols line up in a four reciever set, Ainge in shotgun. He gets the ball, the pocket does decently. Ainge sidesteps a Trojan pass rush and throws left side into the back corner of the endzone... And it's swated down.

Fourth down and ten, four wide set again. Ainge in shotgun, he gets the snap. Trojan defenders wrap around the line and pinch in Ainge from both sides. He passes over the middle into double coverage, both defenders closing in quickly, it's in the endzone, and it's...

I just love suspense, don't you? :D
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: What a great piece Milo! We know you are now truly a prophet and we all eagerly the ending of the greatest sports story ever told.. :worship: Hey, that would be a great thread...finish Milo's TN VS USC NC Game!
Milo, what's up with everyone. I thought your last piece would keep this thread going for weeks!
I have a feeling that some peoples' brains start smoking when they see a paragraph break in the middle of a post.
Okay, here's my take on this thing.

I was at the Notre Dame game and on that critical series late in the second half where we didn't get the critical first down, we ran the ball off tackle twice and didn't get the first.

There are numerous plays where you can get three to four yards almost every time. Quick slant by receivers coming from both sides of the ball, TIGHT END, TIGHT END, TIGHT END, and occasional misdirection.

Misdirection doesn't always have to be having a flanker on an end around go ten to fifteen yards deep behind the line.

I don't know why we can't put into the playcalling a few more edge-of-the-envelope plays. It seems like the opponent's defense knows it doesn't have to expect too much of that kind of thing so they can play pretty straight up.

Sure, we've won and won and won. But a few of those big games that could have been in the win column and were not might have been if we had been just a bit more creative offensively at the right time. :dunno:
Hey Surreal, Do you think it a case of they dont have those types of plays in thier playbook or do you think they have those plays, but they are too conservative to pull the trigger?
I think they tend to get too conservative. We tend to that when we get a decent lead too. How many times have we let teams hang around on us when we should have put them away?
Yeah, oh for the days of blow outs! I would like to see us get a little meaner and punish a few teams.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 9, 2005 3:37 PM
Yeah, oh for the days of blow outs! I would like to see us get a little meaner and punish a few teams.

I think that our defense will be capable of that next season.
Our offense certainly put up the numbers this season, it's just that our defense was shot by the fourth quarter.
Well, I'm sure Urchin Myer will not be playing it so close to the vest and I'm sure he will rub our faces in it if has half a chance. He has alot working against him this being his first year in the sec and trying to teach a new team his offense, so I would imagine he will try to make up the difference with a "kick a--" attitude.
Well, as long as he coaches inside the rules, I am alright wit him. And I would rather not that Florida get beat this next season, but UT beats Florida, if you get what I mean.
I'm not sure I know what you mean Milo, I don't understand PACTENese? I do have to hand it to you though Milo. I think I saw you post that you were still in high School. It's amazing! you break it down like a 40 year old. A biased 40 year old but still, you have a lot going for you. What are you going to do when you grow up?
And I'm 17, a junior in high school. I have no clue what I'm going to do when I get out -- But I screwed around way too much as a freshman and sophomore, so my options for college are pretty limited.

And I like to think I'm biased towards what I know.
Your 17!!??, Wow! At 17 God annointed you to know the truth? You are so blessed! Some men have lived to be old and have died never knowing what you know at 17...that all true wisdom comes from being a VOL. By age 18, you will have abandoned the false left coast teachings of the PAC 10 and their false messiah USC and your will come to fully know the truth, that the SEC is the promised land and the king's throne sit's on a hill in Knoxville, TN. You will go far Milo!
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 11, 2005 5:46 PM
And I'm 17, a junior in high school. I have no clue what I'm going to do when I get out -- But I screwed around way too much as a freshman and sophomore, so my options for college are pretty limited.

And I like to think I'm biased towards what I know.

Item 1: College options are only as limited as you allow them to be. A strong 2 year finish with good entrance scores, and your OK. you apparently have a lot of extracurricular interests which helps.

Item 2: We're all biased towards what we know. That's why some on here try to appear biased, but in reality are plumb level. (No knowledge!!! :lol: ).
Yeah, I'm just gonna finish strong in high school and hope for the best.

And sorry to TBALLVOL, but I'm gonna be a left-coaster for life. But don't confuse me with a Pac-10 apologist who thinks that the Pac has the best football in the land. That is no universal title and only belongs to one's own opinion.

Just gotta go with what you know.

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