Let's start a new REAL petition.........



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2010
to get Coach Counzo Martin a nice,long, fat extention & pay increase. I'm now worried that someone will try and swoop up our classy, genuine coach! The fire is back on ROCKYTOP!!!! Did yall see Coach Butch Jones at the game cheering his azz off? GO VOLS!!!!
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to get Coach Counzo Martin a nice,long, fat extention & pay increase. I'm now worried that someone will try and swoop up our classy, genuine coach! The fire is back on ROCKYTOP!!!! Did yall see Coach Butch Jones at the game cheering his azz off? GO VOLS!!!!

Sign me up.
They need to move him up to number 3 or 4 in pay in SEC. Donovan and Calipari will be the top 2.
Simma down now! Just simma down! You have to love what you see, but, I'm one of those that wait and see=common sense.:)
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Until theses lasts few games I've pretty much maintained that our program would rue the day that we let Bruce go. That's definitely not the case anymore, Cuonzo has done more than enough to earn our respect as a coach. Seriously get that man a contract! I wish people could learn to respect Bruce for resurrecting us but realize that Cuonzo is our future. Meanwhile I'll eat some crow
I have been one of Coach Martin's biggest critics this year, however I do want to recognize and congratulate him for a job well done here at the end of this season.

I still have very strong doubts as to whether or not he can get this program rolling on a year to year basis, but for now he has certainly earned our appreciation and thanks. Also, above all, he is an extremely fine gentleman.

So thanks Coach Martin and team. You are truly creating great joy and memories for the Vol Nation !!!
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Take my name off the other petition and put me on this one...I'll eat my crow as I sign it too
I have changed my feelings on whether CCM should be kept or sent on his way. I say keep him and pay him, I think VOL Bball is on the way up. They are awesome and tough as nails now....I don't know what made them go on a butt kicking run but give CCM a bunch of the credit. It sure is fun to watch them maul teams.:D
I'm really glad we're doing we'll but any contract negotiations are premature. He's proven for the last few games and 3rd of the season what he should have proven the entire season. Here's hoping that he kicks ass and has a long career here, but I ain't ready to rename Thompson after him.
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Sign me up! I'm solidly a CCM fan. I admit I made a mistake. I'm man enough to admit it! Go Vols, go CCM #pay the man!
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I love what I am seeing but we should of been seeing this all year. I know, better late than never. If he can coach up next years team and if Stokes comes back he has that chance. Im in wait and see mode before they go giving him the keys to the city.
The same people jumping back on will be the same people signing their 3rd petition to fire him if he goes 15-15 next year.
but go kick the sh%t out of those Yankees from up north. the south rises again
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Until theses lasts few games I've pretty much maintained that our program would rue the day that we let Bruce go. That's definitely not the case anymore, Cuonzo has done more than enough to earn our respect as a coach. Seriously get that man a contract! I wish people could learn to respect Bruce for resurrecting us but realize that Cuonzo is our future. Meanwhile I'll eat some crow

You guys KILL Me. Congrats to Coach Martin and the team but he wasn't as bad as some of you were making him out two weeks ago and he isn't as good as some of you are making him out today. This team is and has been this talented - you don't beat Virginia's brains out without being talented. The same ones calling for extensions and pay increases today will be calling for his head next year once all these guys graduate and we are sitting with 8 wins.

I love how we are playing but I want to see how we look next year without Barton, McRae, Maymon, and Stokes before I would be willing to give Martin the keys to Fort Knox. It is compelling that the players love Coach Martin and that is certainly important. Unfortunately, I have seen far too many head scratching moments with recruiting, substitutions, and timeouts to anoint this basketball staff-prior to seeing Martins first team with only his recruits.

Hopefully Hart will weigh the highs and the lows and will reward Martin accordingly - meanwhile I will withhold judgement on Coach Martin, even if we win the NCAA tournament this year - until I see how good or bad we are next season.
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You guys KILL Me. Congrats to Coach Martin and the team but he wasn't as bad as some of you were making him out two weeks ago and he isn't as good as some of you are making him out today. This team is and has been this talented - you don't beat Virginia's brains out without being talented. The same ones calling for extensions and pay increases today will be calling for his head next year once all these guys graduate and we are sitting with 8 wins.

I love how we are playing but I want to see how we look next year without Barton, McRae, Maymon, and Stokes before I would be willing to give Martin the keys to Fort Knox. It is compelling that the players love Coach Martin and that is certainly important. Unfortunately, I have seen far too many head scratching moments with recruiting, substitutions, and timeouts to anoint this basketball staff-prior to seeing Martins first team with only his recruits.

Hopefully Hart will weigh the highs and the lows and will reward Martin accordingly - meanwhile I will withhold judgement on Coach Martin, even if we win the NCAA tournament this year - until I see how good or bad we are next season.

Wait, you'd still be in wait and see mode if we won the NCAA tourney? :blink:
You guys KILL Me. Congrats to Coach Martin and the team but he wasn't as bad as some of you were making him out two weeks ago and he isn't as good as some of you are making him out today. This team is and has been this talented - you don't beat Virginia's brains out without being talented. The same ones calling for extensions and pay increases today will be calling for his head next year once all these guys graduate and we are sitting with 8 wins.

I love how we are playing but I want to see how we look next year without Barton, McRae, Maymon, and Stokes before I would be willing to give Martin the keys to Fort Knox. It is compelling that the players love Coach Martin and that is certainly important. Unfortunately, I have seen far too many head scratching moments with recruiting, substitutions, and timeouts to anoint this basketball staff-prior to seeing Martins first team with only his recruits.

Hopefully Hart will weigh the highs and the lows and will reward Martin accordingly - meanwhile I will withhold judgement on Coach Martin, even if we win the NCAA tournament this year - until I see how good or bad we are next season.


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