You guys KILL Me. Congrats to Coach Martin and the team but he wasn't as bad as some of you were making him out two weeks ago and he isn't as good as some of you are making him out today. This team is and has been this talented - you don't beat Virginia's brains out without being talented. The same ones calling for extensions and pay increases today will be calling for his head next year once all these guys graduate and we are sitting with 8 wins.
I love how we are playing but I want to see how we look next year without Barton, McRae, Maymon, and Stokes before I would be willing to give Martin the keys to Fort Knox. It is compelling that the players love Coach Martin and that is certainly important. Unfortunately, I have seen far too many head scratching moments with recruiting, substitutions, and timeouts to anoint this basketball staff-prior to seeing Martins first team with only his recruits.
Hopefully Hart will weigh the highs and the lows and will reward Martin accordingly - meanwhile I will withhold judgement on Coach Martin, even if we win the NCAA tournament this year - until I see how good or bad we are next season.