Lets Stop Judging

I know im new to this sight and it might not be my place to say this, but i think their is too much judging of our team going on, Come on yall just let em play WERE WINNING regardless it is only 2 wins, But stop juding and acting like the guys on gameday JUST LET EM PLAY, their play beutifully, other then that annoying offense we faced last night. BE FANS NOT CRITICS:peace2:
Positive critcism is a good thing.This message board is not a "Groupthink" message board by any means.
I tend to agree about a lot of the judging, especially in light of the fact that early in the year, weird things happen...Akron beats NC State, Florida State barely eked by, Alabama only beats a Cutlerless Vandy by three, and things like that.

The triple option is a lot like the single wing to defend...my high school alma mater went to the single wing last year and did something that has never been done in the history of high school football in Virginia...they had THREE running backs run for over 1,000 yards in the same year.

SO, a good opinion is always welcome and valued, but if you start getting too judgmental at this point, I think you are a bit over the olde proverbial line...give this team a chance to mold itself and find itself, and I think they are going to be special...it is not like we've played Northeaster, or Southwestern, or Hawaii Tech, etc. like most of the programs around the country have started with...we've played a good Cal team, and a very disciplined team that runs a very weird offense very well...

I, for one, am tickled to death that a team that lost itself last year has come out 2-0, and with a good attitude and work ethic...

GO VOLS!!!!!!!
you're right, it's not english class. it is common sense to know the difference between your and you're or there, they're and their. and even when to use than or then.

when i read what you have to say, i completely lose respect for your opinion based on the fact that i can barely make out what you are trying to get across, even if you are making a valid remark.

like i said, in no way am i trying to be a :censored: about this. just letting you know.

i'll get off my grammar soap box now.
seriosuly man is my spelling or use of words that hard to understand.....but its ok, my whole point of this post was saying that i think its not right to judge after 2 games, in which both of em we won. Didnt mean to start anything over spelling. i love hearing what other people have to say about "our" team, but when i see things like the grading i think how can someone grade a team after 2 games EARLY in the season, just like i think polls are irrelevant (yes i do know words) untill mid-season. well i hope you can read what i wrote:mf_surrender:
There are grades printed in the Knox Sentinel after every game. Last year, our special teams got bad scores quite frequently. They were well deserved, and it was apparent from just the second game. The special teams mishaps haunted us all year. Sometimes the early season grading is right on.
It is SO nice to see that my presence and influence are FINALLY being felt around here.

How can we avoid it?

Judging = when someone tells us we are not good Vol fans for criticising the team...truthfully I might add.
Alright im sorry for saying anything your right..........I guess I love the vols and i just hate seeing them being graded, SO EARLY ON. We havent gave them a chance to get into the rythem. I know 97% of people love this team just as much as me, but ive never been one to grade them, when things go wrong i will def. love to hear peoples opinion on what they think we need to do or see that we could do better, but leave the "grading" up to the coachs. But by me judging people who "grade" is no better then them doing it.....so in saying that, "ITS GREAT TO BE A TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER" and its great to be part of volnation, you guys are awesome!
very true but come on GRADING THEM AFTER 2 GAMES......i guess no matter what win or lose people will never be happy, JUST BE HAPPY WE ARE WINNING AND OUR OFFENSE IS FINALLY CLICKING:rock:
People are plenty happy. That does not mean that there is no work to be done. Until UT scores on every possession, holds the opposing team to 0 points and 0 first downs, then there will always be work to do. Think of it as an After Action Review.
:mf_surrender: :mf_surrender: :mf_surrender: :mf_surrender: :mf_surrender: :mf_surrender: ........i understand all OF THIS, but tell us about DONT GIVE A FREAKING GRADE SYSTEM

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