Letter from a former soldier.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Once Upon a Time I Feared No Evil - Obama Policies Kill Americans

I served 22 years in the United States Army through some of the most dangerous times in our lifetime.

I not only went everywhere they told me to go, I volunteered to go where others did not want to go for fear of injury or death.

I did this for love of my country and the defense of freedom for my countrymen.

In my entire career I never feared death because I was a U.S. Soldier and a member of the best trained and equipped military force in the world.

There was one thing I did fear however, and that is that my life would be wasted by a politician.

That I might be sent to some remote piece of ground to die for a political talking point, or worse yet that I might be hamstrung by orders that would not even allow me to defend myself in the face of an attack.

The fear that my children would be fatherless and my wife a widow for a political maneuver. It comes with the turf when you serve your country, but it is always in the back of your mind.

That has happened in Libya and two brave SEALS, a U.S. Ambassador, and another whose name and identity I have not yet heard have not only died, but were murdered in a most disgraceful manner.

And for what?

The failed “Foreign Policy” of Barack Hussein Obama and his Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It has been disclosed that the brave individuals that died were not even afforded the luxury of ammo with which to defend themselves and our country’s sovereign ground. Perhaps the State Department feared that some of the murderers might be injured unnecessarily?

The events that are unfolding in far-flung reaches of the Islamic world were absolutely foreseeable, and measures have not been taken to defend our sovereignty and protect our personnel that trusted our government to have their back.

Instead, our “Leaders” apologized to the killers.

And our President?

He continues to campaign for re-election as the world burns down around us.

I am appalled, disgusted, and deeply saddened.

The moslem unrest has grown now to 27 countries and still counting.
Where's his name? If he's retired, he shouldn't fear repercussions. Reads to me like another Facebook form letter.
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Where's his name? If he's retired, he shouldn't fear repercussions. Reads to me like another Facebook form letter.

If you click the link and schroll down, you may find the answer to your question.

Why don't you post your full name, phone number, address and email account?

What's to fear?

Clicking your links gets you paid by whatever whackjob PAC you spam on behalf of, I'm content with just reading what you paste as a result.
1. This letter is nothing more than an emotive ejaculation intended not to convince any reader of any facts of the matter but simply to hope that they sympathize with a sentiment.

2. The plea for sympathy would be stronger if Cameron Jones did not spend his every waking hour writing absolute BS blogs bashing anything and everything the Obama and the DNC do.
There is no excuse for not having means to protect yourself from extremist of any religion. That's failure on a epic scale no matter how you spin it. If Obama were to do anything to actually help America it would be by mistake....

Man you would swear ole "not real UT" was a muslim apologist wouldn't you..... I mean he jumps at every chance to defend it......
There is no excuse for not having means to protect yourself from extremist of any religion. That's failure on a epic scale no matter how you spin it. If Obama were to do anything to actually help America it would be by mistake...

I will wait until the actual facts come out, before I jump to conclusions. As of this moment, there are conflicting reports:

Reports: Marines Not Permitted Live Ammo
Pentagon denies reports on Marine blogs that U.S. embassy did not authorize service members to carry ammo

A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”

The statement came in response to reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition.


Man you would swear ole "not real UT" was a muslim apologist wouldn't you..... I mean he jumps at every chance to defend it......

If you want to call me a Muslim apologist for not rashly jumping on any blog report that smears Obama, then go for it.
I will wait until the actual facts come out, before I jump to conclusions. As of this moment, there are conflicting reports:

If you want to call me a Muslim apologist for not rashly jumping on any blog report that smears Obama, then go for it.
Nah i'm calling you that for your body of work, not just this piece. Maybe you should pack up and go live over there in one of those **** holes with your buddies..... Since you seem to love them so much... Make sure you bow so they don't beat the **** out of you, then rape and drag you through the streets...
Nah i'm calling you that for your body of work, not just this piece. Maybe you should pack up and go live over there in one of those **** holes with your buddies..... Since you seem to love them so much... Make sure you bow so they don't beat the **** out of you, then rape and drag you through the streets...

Well, you have certainly captured the spirit of emotive ejaculations.
No one is drunk. Stick up for your muslim brother if you like. The guy was beaten and dragged through the streets. Don't need facts to see that.....

I can totally see you thinking this is a rational statement.

FTR, I think Islam as an organized religion is just as silly as any other Abrahamic faith.
I can totally see you thinking this is a rational statement.

FTR, I think Islam as an organized religion is just as silly as any other Abrahamic faith.
There is no justifying senseless violence, in the name of whatever false prophet you choose.....

Just click on the pictures and you'll see clearly he didn't die of smoke inhalation..... His face is swelled, eyes beat shut and blood running everywhere all over his body.....

They need to close down every one of those embassies. Especially if they're not even going to provide the means for protection. These people have shown more than once they don't like Americans.... So lets cut off the aid and get the hell out of dodge....
There is no justifying senseless violence, in the name of whatever false prophet you choose...

How is this statement germane to the OP, and, thus, germane to my response?

The major charge the letter is making is that Obama is responsible for these deaths due to his foreign policy initiatives and his ambassador's restrictions on live ammunition. The minor charge relates to the apology.

As to the two major charges:
- Foreign policy: tough to make the argument that Obama's foreign policy initiatives have made Americans any more at risk or safe than his predecessors.

- The ammo situation: as I stated, there is no clear cut answer to that, yet.

For the minor charge, the apology: this guy is doing nothing more than misinterpreting the same facts and timeline that Romney did.
How is this statement germane to the OP, and, thus, germane to my response?

The major charge the letter is making is that Obama is responsible for these deaths due to his foreign policy initiatives and his ambassador's restrictions on live ammunition. The minor charge relates to the apology.

As to the two major charges:
- Foreign policy: tough to make the argument that Obama's foreign policy initiatives have made Americans any more at risk or safe than his predecessors.

- The ammo situation: as I stated, there is no clear cut answer to that, yet.

For the minor charge, the apology: this guy is doing nothing more than misinterpreting the same facts and timeline that Romney did.
Someone gave the order that no ammo was a good idea and it wasn't the Pentagon... Whoever is responsible for that is a idiot....
Someone gave the order that no ammo was a good idea and it wasn't the Pentagon... Whoever is responsible for that is a idiot....

Do you know how to read?

A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”

The statement came in response to reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition.

Or, do you have privileged access to what actually occurred?

Continue to jump to conclusions while labeling others as "idiots".
How is this statement germane to the OP, and, thus, germane to my response?

The major charge the letter is making is that Obama is responsible for these deaths due to his foreign policy initiatives and his ambassador's restrictions on live ammunition. The minor charge relates to the apology.

As to the two major charges:
- Foreign policy: tough to make the argument that Obama's foreign policy initiatives have made Americans any more at risk or safe than his predecessors.

- The ammo situation: as I stated, there is no clear cut answer to that, yet.

For the minor charge, the apology: this guy is doing nothing more than misinterpreting the same facts and timeline that Romney did.
Just being there puts them at risk. You can say that about every president. It's just overwhelmingly stupid to trust those people with your well being, for political gain or whatever twisted thinking brought that about.....
Benghazi Protests Against Attacks (PICS) - Business Insider

Our U.S. Embassy in Libya is located in Tripoli. The attack in Benghazi was against a consulate. While U.S. Marines guard our embassies around the world, consulates typically do not have Marine guards. There was no Marine guard at the consulate in Benghazi.

And? Since the rumored report emerged it has consistently been in reference to our Embassy in Egypt (Cairo). It has nothing to do with the murder of the ambassador in Benghazi.

Of course, Cameron Jones (the author of the letter quoted by the OP) ensures that he is sufficiently ambiguous in his BS letter to lead the reader to believe that the Ambassadors life might have been saved had the Marines (in Egypt) been given live ammunition.
No one is drunk. Stick up for your muslim brother if you like. The guy was beaten and dragged through the streets. Don't need facts to see that.....

Let's ignore the rallies by pro-US Libyans and just focus on the actions of the minority.
Are they killing, beating and dragging people through the streets??? If not then yeah let's ignore it...

I guess it is convenient to overlook the rallies being held in Benghazi to condemn the killings and support the Ambassador/US when it doesn't support your motives.

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