Liberals are desperate over TP

You mean like Breitbart?

Who, if he can't find dirt, will just make it up?

or, like John Conyers, who completely fabricates a story about having a racial epithet hurled at him at least 15 times while he, Pelosi, and others "marched" to the Capitol building to pass the health care legislation.
Hey...... at-a-boy...... jump in here with an ORIGINAL thought.

I can't call you a name without being suspended, no matter how much you deserve it, so I will just say that IF a jackass wrote what you wrote, then my response would be that I was just answering the question.

And incidentally my response to you is that I was just answering the question.
I can't call you a name without being suspended, no matter how much you deserve it, so I will just say that IF a jackass wrote what you wrote, then my response would be that I was just answering the question.

And incidentally my response to you is that I was just answering the question.

Two other people had already brought him up, but hey, I am the jackass huh? Be a man and call me what ever you feel like you big pussy.
He did make the White House look stupid.

And by editing, I mean he chose short excerpts from the video that did not tell the whole story. Which is what he intentionally did.


Charles and Shirley Sherrod are a couple of real jewels all right.

Former Shirley Sherrod employee accuses her of exploiting black farm laborers | Washington Examiner

Imagine farm workers doing back breaking labor in the sweltering sun, sprayed with pesticides and paid less than minimum wage. Imagine the United Farm Workers called in to defend these laborers against such exploitation by management. Now imagine that the farm workers are black children and adults and that the managers are Shirley Sherrod, her husband Rev. Charles Sherrod, and a host of others.

But it’s no illusion; this is fact.

Opportunist charlatans would be a very apt description of the duo....
TPers are free to speak of whatever they want. Nobody is muffling them. You're accusing them of documenting their acts. Anyways, short memories abound. Sherrod and the NAACP meeting.... "gotcha"....

Race baiting is very much an attempt to muzzle or suppress an opponent.

The direct evidence shows that there is less racist behavior at a TP rally than in the population at large... but that doesn't keep the left from throwing out the accusations.

FWIW, one of Obama's first efforts was to reinstate the "Fairness Doctrine" that would have basically put talk radio out of business. Several bills to monitor or limit internet political free speech have been bounced around Congress since the Dems took over. There was a report a few months ago that someone in the WH suggested just pulling FoxNews' license. Without any two of these things... there is no TP movement.
You mean like Breitbart?

Who, if he can't find dirt, will just make it up?

One instance is what you have LG? One instance in which it wasn't even HIS material? One instance in which even the WH jumped the gun?

You are very, very long on accusations but very, very short on substance when pushed.
One instance is what you have LG? One instance in which it wasn't even HIS material? One instance in which even the WH jumped the gun?

You are very, very long on accusations but very, very short on substance when pushed.

I'm not drinking the Kool-aid. The media networks are horrible. Conservative media uses clips of the NCAAP making a reverse racism comment because that is what their audience wants to see.
Who says? I have no idea what liberals want to see... you may be right there. But I can assure you that I and every single conservative I know does not want to see racism of any sort- real or conjured.

You paint wrongly with a broad brush. This video was sent to Breitbart and picked up on by other outlets. Everyone should have done a better job of vetting it.

But selective editing has been perfected to an art form by the left. They choose what is important for the public to know then "report" the "facts" that support the liberal position.

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