Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

Not sure how globe trotting and repeating talking points and lies influenced events in 2019. Must be that elusive white privilege we hear so much about. Al Gore sends his congrats.

Time Person of the Year: Climate crisis activist Greta Thunberg - CNN
People don't understand that "Person of the Year" isn't necessarily a good thing or a compliment, and it's certainly not an award. The only thing that it's definitely supposed to mean is that you were a big deal that year. Greta and Trump both trolled their way to political power, and into personhood of the year status. Congrats to them, I guess?
People don't understand that "Person of the Year" isn't necessarily a good thing or a compliment, and it's certainly not an award. The only thing that it's definitely supposed to mean is that you were a big deal that year. Greta and Trump both trolled their way to political power, and into personhood of the year status. Congrats to them, I guess?
You are totally right on the bolded part - I mean, Hitler and Stalin have both won this "award." It's never been an endorsement of whoever they pick.

Greta wasn't the biggest deal in the news this year though, IMO. Obvious choice was the Hong Kong protesters.
I can safely say I was in school learning and not burning the fossil fuel equivalent of a Millionaire while b#*ching to others to stop.
In her "defense" (in quotes because I agree, she's a useful idiot) she doesn't fly to any of her speeches. Believe she rides on a sailboat. So she actually isn't incredibly hypocritical like many others.
In her "defense" (in quotes because I agree, she's a useful idiot) she doesn't fly to any of her speeches. Believe she rides on a sailboat. So she actually isn't incredibly hypocritical like many others.
She isn't making decision one.

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