Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

If you are an adult getting butthurt over a child upset at the worlds are the problem.

If I’m an adult watching a child and her parents globe trotting all over the planet rubbing elbows with celebrities and royalty that jet set all over the plant to attend parties and high brow award ceremonies while reading off scripts that I’m severely doubting she wrote, all the while telling us we stole her childhood from her .... I’m not going to be upset , I’m just going to tune out the whole dramatic show and dismiss it as theater for a massive fund raising platform . When her and her handlers go to China , Russia and India to put in their show I’ll tune back in .
If I’m an adult watching a child and her parents globe trotting all over the planet rubbing elbows with celebrities and royalty that jet set all over the plant to attend parties and high brow award ceremonies while reading off scripts that I’m severely doubting she wrote, all the while telling us we stole her childhood from her .... I’m not going to be upset , I’m just going to tune out the whole dramatic show and dismiss it as theater for a massive fund raising platform . When her and her handlers go to China , Russia and India to put in their show I’ll tune back in .
1) not using proper punctuation makes people not want to read your posts.
2) you are butthurt over a child. Get help.
1) not using proper punctuation makes people not want to read your posts.
2) you are butthurt over a child. Get help.

1). And yet you read it and responded .
2). I know it’s a crazy idea you eco warrior progressives don’t get but .. I’m an adult that knows when not to listen to a child on tv , especially when they have handlers .
If you are an adult getting butthurt over a child upset at the worlds are the problem.

If you are an “adult” getting butthurt over adults who see this caricature for what she is, you are the problem.

Who’s the dumbass—those who understand it is not settled science, or those who follow in lock-step behind a Scandinavian adolescent who needs a haircut?

Before you respond, I challenge you to investigate the veracity of “green” energy:

Solar is bunk. The raw materials are mined with, you guessed it, fossil fuel-burning equipment. The mines are then covered with, you guessed it again, fossil fuel-burning equipment. The raw materials are transported, processed, and fashioned into functional units by burning fossil fuels.

Electric vehicles are another misrepresented “green” technology. Instead of leaving a carbon footprint at your tailpipe, you’ve simply moved it as far as a few hundred miles to the power plant.

Liberals are the dumbest species on planet earth. None of you can think past the frontal lobe of the brain you do not have.

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If you are an “adult” getting butthurt over adults who see this caricature for what she is, you are the problem.

Who’s the dumbass—those who understand it is not settled science, or those who follow in lock-step behind a Scandinavian adolescent who needs a haircut?

Before you respond, I challenge you to investigate the veracity of “green” energy:

Solar is bunk. The raw materials are mined with, you guessed it, fossil fuel-burning equipment. The mines are then covered with, you guessed it again, fossil fuel-burning equipment. The raw materials are transported, processed, and fashioned into functional units by burning fossil fuels.

Electric vehicles are another misrepresented “green” technology. Instead of leaving a carbon footprint at your tailpipe, you’ve simply moved it as far as a few hundred miles to the power plant.

Liberals are the dumbest species on planet earth. None of you can think past the frontal lobe of the brain you do not have.
I disagree. I got solar on my house and through tax credits I will break even in 10 years. After that its money in the bank for me. If we invest in green as much as we subsidize oil and pay for illegitimate wars we could tell the middle east to go &^%$ themselves. Not that Trump and his cohorts want that...
I disagree. I got solar on my house and through tax credits I will break even in 10 years. After that its money in the bank for me. If we invest in green as much as we subsidize oil and pay for illegitimate wars we could tell the middle east to go &^%$ themselves. Not that Trump and his cohorts want that...

Yes the tax system is broken as well.
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