LG, I'm too lazy to even do it, but I bet if I did a Vol Nation search on the word "Limbaugh", your name would come up as the thread starter 80% of the time.
The sad thing about your zeal in attacking Limbaugh is that he is essentially irrelevent. I believe that I am not only speaking for myself, but for several others on this board, but I haven't listened to even a 15 minute stretch of that guy's since 2003 or 2004... seriously. That guy went from attacking Clinton in the 1990's (and rightlfully so I may add), to sheeping it up for Bush and the the Republican politics of the 2000's. He is a GOP sheep, plain and simple. And frankly, you can come up wth 20 more posts about the evils and dangers of Limbaugh or Hannity and I would have the same reaction I have right now...
My advice to you is to let it go... not because I think that you are attacking someone that I admire, but because you are trying to attack someone that really isn't setting trends or driving the philosophies of most of the people on this board. Nobody I can think of would lose any sleep about you attacking Limbaugh... good grief, man. If anything, you are playing into our hands, because we would be right there with you.