Lindsey Graham does abrupt u-turn on immigration and climate.

awwwwwwwww, i'm sorry... did i find a post where profiling is OK in your eyes... My bad, didn't mean to meet your challenge head on.
I'm all for profiling. In fact, profiling is used every day in law enforcement. If the suspect in a criminal investigation is described as a skinny, white male, between 5'10" and 6'2" wearing a Faber College sweatshirt, the cops aren't going to be looking for a fat black guy wearing an Armani suit and D&C sunglasses.

so there's your post where I advocate profiling.
I had no idea Michelle had the hots for Lindsey.


I'll have to rewrite my profile files.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say Africa, since that is obviously a white rhino!!! :)


That looks like Che Guevara's old '55 Chevy or at least a Cuban import (the sun shield is a dead giveaway) so I'll venture it may have happened when Cuban and North Korean soldiers were there attempting to overthrow all the free, post colonial governments from south of the Sahara to the Cape of Good Hope.

It's a sad fact that probably only Kenya hasn't completely fallen to the control of either the communists or the muslims.

Posted via VolNation Mobile
just don't like T-town and on top of that, they've told me i was wrong for marrying a non-christian asian woman.. the HORRORS! They preach intolerance of other religions. It's their way or no way and sadly, truly believe it

my life is complete!!!!!

you are 1,000% wrong about the SB saying that it is "their" way or no way......grow up
How will we decide what's right and wrong???? Pretty sure we both have common sense, and regardless of religion, you treat people right.

And nobody in my church has said that, it was in the BIBLE and a southern baptist had the guts to point it out to me. And I will gladly single out T-town.. He says he's religious and yet he insults everybody on here with different opinions. He's a hypocrite

Nope....just the "special" are in elite company
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I think the Chevy at the levee was in Angola but if you're talking about the present government of Botswana not being communist run or or dominated by islam then score a point for you I suppose, although the current president maintains exceptionally close ties with Cuba.

(Vilma Lucila Espin Guillois was the wife of Raul Castro, Fidel's brother.)

Can't say I blame Khama all that much for that, he is educated enough to see what has happened to all the countries surrounding him.

The parliament appoints the president in Botswana and the current president is the Sandhurst educated son of a Botswana's founding president, a chief of the largest ethnic group, the Bangwato tribe, and whose mother is an Englishwoman and is reported to be gay.

A cousin of his with the same last name is the CEO of DeBeers Botswana, owner of the diamond mines which is the power behind the throne.

Khama is a vocal and frequent critic of Mugabe the ruthless murderous marxist dictator of next door neighbor Zimbabwe and the very first Afican leader to take a hard stance against Zanu.

In turn Mugabe and his cohorts, mainly through the leading English marxist mouthpiece, 'the guardian' call Khama a dictator, western puppet etc etc etc.

A brief look at current political goings on in Botswana.

Some Zimbabweans have political aspirations in Botswana.

It is interesting to note the southwest portion of Botswana is covered by the Khalahari desert, home of the Bushmen. The reason they lived in such an inhospitable place at the time the first Boer settlers arrived in the area seeking religious freedom, about the same time as Pilgrims reaching America, most of the tribes of the area hunted Bushmen like wild animals and cooked them up for an evening meal.

If you're interested I'll tell you a story about cannibalism in Africa during the '70s as told me by a Times reporter from East Tennessee.

You might also mention Ghana which really has the best democracy in Africa since 1981 and has little if any foreign debt, if we had adopted one of their election rules Slick Willy would most likely never have been president of the USA.

They gained their independence in 1960 and the first leader was a marxist activist who aligned himself with Moscow and Peking but was deposed by military coup which led to a series of coups but eventually came out if that era quite well, perhaps because the last coup leader executed a boatload of politicians for corruption and malfeasance. That might not be all that bad in America come to think about it.

There are some muslims in the far north of Ghana and that has been the only area to expereience any ethnic violence since 1981. (at least that I'm aware of).

Ghana has a history of having some the most advanced civilizations in subsaharan Africa dating back over a thousand years.

The south is mostly Christian and heavily influenced by trade and contact with the west. One of my children was a guest of a king of one area of Ghana last summer. He is a well educated Christian who takes seriously his heretary title and so spends six months each year working in America and the other six months living in Ghana trying to help advance his people. They have a long way to go, picture mud huts with no running water, electricity or sewage and you get the picture.

"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph. "

- Haile Selassie, Christian head of Ethiopia and victim of communist mass murderer Mengistu Haile Mariam who was aided and abetted by Mugabe and Mandela and is now living in Zimbabwe but faces the death penalty in Ethiopia for his red terror reign but I'm not holding my breath waiting for Mugabe to ever extradite him.

“We took Angola and you did not protest…. Then we took Mozambique. Forget it, you don’t even know where it is. Then we took Ethiopia, a key move. There again we noted that you could have replied via Somalia or Eritrea or both. No reply. We noted that and put it into our analyses. Then we took Aden and set up a powerful Soviet base there. Aden! On the Arabian Peninsula! In the heart of your supply center! No response. So we noted: we can take Aden.” (Jean-Francois Deniau, “La détente froide,” L’Express, 3 September 1982; taken from How Democracies Perish, Jean-Francois Revel, pp. 340-341)

"Indeed, there are close ties between the Soviet Union and the South African Communist Party, which, to a great extent, controls the ANC. Such influence began as early as 1917, the USSR now being very active in 10 Southern African nations: Namibia, Angola, Bothswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa. Soviet activity, of course, often assumes covert forms. The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), for instance, formed near the end of 1985, actually is a new front for the ANC...." (South Africa and the Marxist Movement: A Study in Double Standards, Panos Bardis, p. 101)

"The story goes that South Africa's jailed Nelson Mandela, and his wife Winnie are just your standard garden-variety moderates who want freedom for their country. But consider this. Moscow's communist party newspaper Pravda recently carried a story about Winnie Mandela, quoting her as saying: 'The Soviet Union is the torch-bearer for all our hopes and aspirations. We have learned and are continuing to learn resilience and bravery from the Soviet people, who are an example to us in our struggle for freedom, a model of loyalty to internationalist duty. In Soviet Russia, genuine power of the people has been transformed from dreams into reality. The land of the Soviets is the genuine friend and ally of all peoples fighting against the dark forces of world reaction.'
"This is not the swoony stuff of a dizzy moderate, but the disciplined ideologuese of a Soviet stooge."

South Africa, meanwhile, given over by F.W. de Klerk and Pik Botha to the Marxist African National Congress, has turned into a cauldron of murder, rape, AIDS and anarchy.
Nelson Mandela has long had strong ties to the MPLA, as the Marxist Angolan regime has provided Mandela's African National Congress with a haven for its terrorist training bases.
In fact, upon his release from prison, Mandela gave a speech in Angola's capital of Luanda on May 10, 1990, in which he said: "The ANC brought young people into Angola to receive military training. This was indeed a major turning point in the history of South Africa. The progress we have made in our armed struggle is owed largely to Angola. Angola allowed us not only to receive arms from friendly countries abroad, but also allowed us to establish camp and gave us freedom to train our soldiers." ("A TRAGEDY IN ANGOLA: DeBeers, Clinton's executive order seeks to destroy anti-communist rebel movement," WorldNetDaily, January 30, 2000)

During the 1970s in Angola, "These invaders include the Soviet Union, North Korea, the East Bloc, 50,000 Cuba mercenaries, the U.N. Army, Executive Outcomes (called Apartheid attack dogs by dissidents in Sierra Leone, a former EO stomping ground), the betrayal of the Afrikaner government as well as attacks by communist neighbors Namibia and Zimbabwe."

"Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro... Cuban internationalists have done so much for African independence, freedom, and justice. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of a vicious imperialist campaign designed to destroy the advances of the Cuban revolution. We too want to control our destiny... There can be no surrender. It is a case of freedom or death. The Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people."
Nelson Mandela
the truely sad thing here do not know that you have just given me a HUGE compliment.....THANKS!
sad thing is, no i didn't... just goes to show you how much better SBs think they are over everybody else when it's easy to peg them because of their radical views
your fyp, proved my point even more... you think you're above everybody that doesn't have the same views as you.. IE, your way or no way
oh...there is SO much more work to do here....I bet we could take a poll and let the VN members decide who should go game?
lets see, you're farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr right and i'm farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr left, which way will this go on a TENNESSEE message board??? don't hold your head too high

But if you're life is complete, how can there be much work to do???? Another hypocritical statement from the SB
lets see, you're farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr right and i'm farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr left, which way will this go on a TENNESSEE message board??? don't hold your head too high

But if you're life is complete, how can there be much work to do???? Another hypocritical statement from the SB

so, your scared?
when you admitted you were southern baptist... if you didn't like their views, you wouldn't go to their church... but you like their views, so accordingly, they become YOUR views

so surely you have enormous issues with Obama's pastor?
when you admitted you were southern baptist... if you didn't like their views, you wouldn't go to their church... but you like their views, so accordingly, they become YOUR views

the stupidity keeps flowing......what else do you want every one to know about your ignorance

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