When we can no longer produce or surface the chips needed for future warfare you will care.There is no reason, no matter who is the POTUS, should American boys be dying for Taiwan... or Kramatorsk, or Bahkmut, or Sievierodonetsk, or Aleppo, or whatever. But none of these guys are sent to fight for East Palestine, the southern border, the tyrants in DC, etc...
Spilling American Blood & Treasure For Semiconductor Chips | ZeroHedgeI don't mind us sending troops, but I do mind us sending troops under this incompetent administration.
I do think it shouldn't be out of the question for Taiwan to mount an offensive and punish the mainland.
We should note that it's very likely that the majority of Americans might have trouble finding Taiwan on a map, and after two decades of 'forever wars' in the Middle East, and now at the moment of many tens of billions of taxpayer dollars being handed over to Ukraine, opening up a new conflict "front" with China over Taiwan would be deeply unpopular, to say the least.