Little League World Series

If they were on the east coast, Lobster wouldn't shock me as a favorite food since that's generally where most of it comes from. Seems like it would be a little more expensive on the west coast. I have no idea about Mexico though. Never been

It's different than main lobster. Cooked different and served w rice beans a tortillas.

It's good.
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You can drop to your knees and block 3rd base? Next person coming into 3rd should run the 3rd baseman over if they're in the way. Knee him right in the face lol
You can drop to your knees and block 3rd base? Next person coming into 3rd should run the 3rd baseman over if they're in the way. Knee him right in the face lol

Dude seriously? What he did is completely legal and encouraged.
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Well is that legal? Because if getting in someones way heading into 3rd is legal, you should be able to smash them. I've just never seen anyone block the baseline like that unless it's in front of home plate.
Well is that legal? Because if getting in someones way heading into 3rd is legal, you should be able to smash them. I've just never seen anyone block the baseline like that unless it's in front of home plate.

They aren't wearing catchers gear at 3rd. I guess if you want to get your players thrown out.
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They aren't wearing catchers gear at 3rd. I guess if you want to get your players thrown out.
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How is that the base runners fault? It's legal for the 3rd baseman to drop to his knees and block the base and the runner isn't allowed to run over him? I'd get thrown out then because anyone willing to do that in front of 3rd base with no gear deserves to have their nose broken via knee to the face.
How is that the base runners fault? It's legal for the 3rd baseman to drop to his knees and block the base and the runner isn't allowed to run over him? I'd get thrown out then because anyone willing to do that in front of 3rd base with no gear deserves to have their nose broken via knee to the face.

You have serious issues
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I do? I'm not the one cheering against America and wanting kids to go knee first to break a players nose.
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You're attacking someone on a phone because they don't agree with the rule. I'm not specifically talking about kids. I'm talking about the rule in general. I assume it's allowed in any baseball game. I've just never seen it outside of home plate.

And you can't be serious about "cheering against America". It's a sport. You act like I'm pulling for soldiers to die. I think cheering for a kids baseball team just because they're from your country is a bigger issue than someone questioning a rule. The kid was going to get thrown out for diving head first while another kid is allowed to plop to the ground in front of him unprotected. Makes sense...

I cheered for Shogun over Forrest Griffin last night. I have serious issues and am unamerican. :(
The orange pearl:


"i thought this was america!"
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