I despise all things Austin. As stated before, Austin is the damn, dirty, hippie capitol of Texas. The libs run around town and that crap hole of a bar district they call 6th street, and preach their tree hugging, "how enlightened we are because we do not bath" drivel. They feel obligated to remind you of how they are the media darlings, and some have gone as far as using terms like, "America's College." The fan base consists of t-shirt tea-sips, immigrants, and undereducated individuals that either A. have never stepped foot on any campus, or B. Speak enough English to proudly proclaim "Go Lone Hornsss".
They proudly boast of products from their community college located on the forty acres. Such standouts as the pot smoker Ricky Williams, or the head case, Vince Young.
Mack gets paid so much money, he has enough to bail his criminals out year round.
Colt McCoy and Jordan Shipley's relationship is mirrored to that of Teabow and Myer. (To put in terms for you to understand.)
They cry when they lose.
They show up late.
They leave early.
They lack tradition.
"Texas Fight" sucks.
Austin sucks.
The forty acres sucks.
Burnt Orange sucks.
The tower sucks.
Their crap hole stadium thats been named a thousand diffrent things, sucks.
Their band sucks.
When I see a longwhorn sticker, I feel compelled to take out my pocket knife and remove the horns. Sometimes I do just that.
I cringe at the punk kids in and around College Station that wear their t-shirts and give me a "Hook em" while their parents pay for their crap ass groceries with food stamps.
I hate their arrogance.
I hate their sense of entitlement.
I hate the media for stroking their ego at every chance.
I hate t.u. Always, and forever, tuck fexas.
Saw them Off.