Long but good breakdown of the OU game by Crompton. Nico surprise.



Morior Invictus
Jan 30, 2013
I always enjoy Cromptons halftime and post game shows. I think he does a really good job at explaining concepts and Xs and Os. I was a little shocked by his take on Nico at first. Saying the coaches don’t fully trust him yet. Maybe that’s why the play calling hasn’t looked like we expected. Anyway give a listen if you have time.

This was a frustrating game for me to watch. OU stopped UT run game really and VOLS seemed to play not to lose in the 2nd half.

I don’t know why Josh has not “opened up the play book” but I for one do not think it’s for lack of trust in Nico.

I tend to believe Josh is coaching to win games and keeping his cards close to his vest to not give GA, AL, others a bunch of film.
This was a frustrating game for me to watch. OU stopped UT run game really and VOLS seemed to play not to lose in the 2nd half.

I don’t know why Josh has not “opened up the play book” but I for one do not think it’s for lack of trust in Nico.

I tend to believe Josh is coaching to win games and keeping his cards close to his vest to not give GA, AL, others a bunch of film.
He didn’t open up the playbook because he is a smart coach who doesn’t do what our ignorant fans would have done.

He did a great coaching job last night. Those criticizing him are self-identifying.
I hope this will quieten the Heisman hype on Nico.

He's not close to being there yet. Maybe next year.

Team did just enough to win. Got some weakness on the OL against the stronger teams. Hope
this can be shored up in next 2 weeks. We next Heard badly.
I think it’s a little of both. A more experienced QB would handle that situation better. But the OTs were definitely the bigger problem.
Yep. As a QB if you don’t get blocks, you’re going to get sacked. But, a QB with more experience feels the pressure and doesn’t put the ball on the ground. Even as the game went on, you could see Nico improve in sensing the pressure, but he’s not there yet. will get there! But not there just yet.
I think it was more not trusting our tackles to pass protect last night than it was not trusting Nico
This, or a combo of the not trusting the O-line, and not trusting Nico to secure the ball with the pressure.

This is my 1 big concern this season. Young QB under constant pressure is not a great formula. Nico stays calm (compare to Jackson Arnold who looked completely discombobulated last night), but he's still young and there was a lot of pressure on him last night.

Hoping the O-line can stay relatively healthy mid- to late- season. Even with 2 losses, we'd have a great shot at the playoff, so being healthy late season is key.
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I think it was more of protecting Nico’s psyche, with all the press and accolades just remember in actual playing time he is basically a freshman.
I trust JH to know how to mentor and prepare Nico mentally for the long term. I don't think anyone knows QBs as well as our coach!

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