We have a group of 40 guys coming up. Check out TigerPimpNation. We are looking for a central place/tailgate area to hang out. We will be walking into campus from the Hilton. The UT police said they won't mess with us if we let them know ahead of time where we will be and stay in one main area. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Feel free to eamil me at Poppap@tigerpimpnation.com. I would be happy to exchange numbers, etc. If you want to be a host pimp, just let me know.
We have tshirts, booze and a hullava good time - if you see us, you won't miss us! We look forward to meeting as many fans as we can and having a great time. We have been to Oxfod, Bama, Athens, Blacksburg - never had any problems and always had lots of fun! Its all in good fun!
We have tshirts, booze and a hullava good time - if you see us, you won't miss us! We look forward to meeting as many fans as we can and having a great time. We have been to Oxfod, Bama, Athens, Blacksburg - never had any problems and always had lots of fun! Its all in good fun!