Probably (just to keep the church-pimp theme going) preaching to the choir, but I'm glad y'all contacted the cops already and would suggest you update whoever you contacted about your final plans- especially about where you'll be parking your vehicles during the game and/or overnight. I imagine, as long as you just present it as a courtesy update and not a request for special treatment they'll appreciate it to the extent that they will make a point of watching out for you.
So far I've only seen jerk-off Vol fans at a distance, but every school has them, and I'd hate for some goobers using orange as an excuse to be themselves mess with your visit.
I mean, A. we're proud to be a team you can still travel to (been to a game at Florida lately?); B. you're bringing out-of-state dollars into our economy; and, C. you're going to be depressed enough after the game anyway without some brats trying to prove the missing link was a Vol and messing with your vehicles.
Related to C- take your flags, etc. off your cars when you park at your hotel at night, and park facing forward if you don't have tags on the front bumper. It's only been a couple of times over the last 20 years, but I've had visiting-team friends or acquaintances report having their team-paraphenalia &/or cars messed with- but every time they had left stuff on their cars that made them overtly recognizeable as "visiting team" cars...