Look I'm not saying our WRs are killing it...



Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
I've seen a lot of people say that our WRs are the problem or at least as much to blame as Worley for the passing game. I'm sorry but that just isn't true. They have been open ALOT (even a Duck fan came on and said as much). Worley just can't get them the ball. North would have 300 yards receiving at this point with a competent QB. The WRs are not the problem.
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From the most recent presser, CBJ said whoever wins the QB competition this week will be the starter, even if it's a true freshman.

He also said the receivers aren't where they're supposed to be a lot of times.

You got inexperienced QB's throwing to inexperienced WR's - what did you think was going to happen?
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It looks like Worley is aiming to much in his throws. Idk what the problem is but fix it. It loos like what people feared the most about his abilities are coming true
JW is trying too hard, gripping the ball too hard causes late release, thus short throws, his spiral is not fast enough, no touch pass etc... Listen he didn't get to be the Gatoraid Player for being an idiot, but I am begining to think he never experienced a lot of stress or the need to take risk in the past and that is why he rattles to quickly. He starts to think too much about not making a mistake and he trys to throw too hard etc. etc., basically, he can not handle stress to well. Can it be fixed? who knows, it's really up to him not the coaches................Go Vols!!
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Worley didn't look good when he had LAST YEAR'S WRs. Even if they aren't exactly where they need to be, it shouldn't be that hard to hit his target. Bray connected with CP running wrong routes numerous times. It's basic read and react. Maybe he has a hard time seeing the field, I dunno, but regardless if a play breaks down, You need someone who can make something happen with his feet and for the love of God be able to hit an open target whether he was out of position, or not. It's not like it's a program glitch where if everything ain't lined up perfectly everything crashes. Read and react and make things happen. It's an accuracy problem. We have seriously looked like my little league team that is pretty much only allowed to run cause we can't throw the ball to the target
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From the most recent presser, CBJ said whoever wins the QB competition this week will be the starter, even if it's a true freshman.

He also said the receivers aren't where they're supposed to be a lot of times.

You got inexperienced QB's throwing to inexperienced WR's - what did you think was going to happen?

Butch isn't going to come out and say "Justin stinks". He's going to evenly distribute blame, because it's a team game. You can talk about experience all you like, but I know what I've seen for 3 games, and that's open, sometimes WIDE OPEN, receivers, and a QB who can't get the ball to them, or makes them fall down trying to come back to the ball.
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From the most recent presser, CBJ said whoever wins the QB competition this week will be the starter, even if it's a true freshman.

He also said the receivers aren't where they're supposed to be a lot of times.

You got inexperienced QB's throwing to inexperienced WR's - what did you think was going to happen?

I expect by the 4th game of the season for them to be a heck of a lot better than they are right now!
Worely isn't good case closed...like some ese said..CP was running bad routes the entire season and Bray still hit found him and hit him in stride many many times...
I've seen a lot of people say that our WRs are the problem or at least as much to blame as Worley for the passing game. I'm sorry but that just isn't true. They have been open ALOT (even a Duck fan came on and said as much). Worley just can't get them the ball. North would have 300 yards receiving at this point with a competent QB. The WRs are not the problem.

CBJ disagrees. (According to his presser).

I think they are a small part of a big problem.
I don't care if a WR ran 10 yds off his route the QB has gotta be able to give the WR a chance when he's WIDE OPEN.

These WR's are making the catches of their lives every other completion because the ball is so far off the mark.
CBJ disagrees. (According to his presser).

I think they are a small part of a big problem.

Like I said, there is obviously room for improvement. But if you took the way our receivers are playing right now and gave us solid QB play, we would at least have a functioning offense. There are plays to be made, we just aren't making them.
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I don't care if a WR ran 10 yds off his route the QB has gotta be able to give the WR a chance when he's WIDE OPEN.

These WR's are making the catches of their lives every other completion because the ball is so far off the mark.

if the receiver is consistently in the wrong spot it's hard for any qb to make the throw. Expecting that to happen is why so many have opinions that differ from the head coach's
Whatever qb is out there just needs to go play some football. To much thinking just go play and make the throws.
Anybody that thinks our WR's are running greats routes and are open all over the field have not been watching the games. The WR corp, in its current state, is the worst in the SEC. Not even close, honestly. Now there is talent that should rise from the bottom eventually. But right now, WR's are lining up wrong, running the wrong depth on their routes, not sitting in the right spot against zones, dropping catchable balls. Worley has been poor with his accuracy. Nobody is questioning that. But no need to makeup lies about the WR's to provide 'evidence' that Worley has been bad. Its just false. Even with Peterman, or a freshman QB, throwing to them the WR's will struggle.
I'm no coach, but that attitude should not be accepted.

Recognized and accepted are two totally different things. BBJ 'reconginzes' it too. That is why he said at his press conference recruit, recruit, recruit.
From the most recent presser, CBJ said whoever wins the QB competition this week will be the starter, even if it's a true freshman.

He also said the receivers aren't where they're supposed to be a lot of times.

You got inexperienced QB's throwing to inexperienced WR's - what did you think was going to happen?
Why is it that this isn't a problem at Auburn, PSU, or a dozen other schools starting frosh at those positions?

I don't care if a WR ran 10 yds off his route the QB has gotta be able to give the WR a chance when he's WIDE OPEN.

These WR's are making the catches of their lives every other completion because the ball is so far off the mark.

Butch believes in timing routes and if the receivers don't make the right cuts, the timing will be way off.
Why is it that this isn't a problem at Auburn, PSU, or a dozen other schools starting frosh at those positions?


Auburn has a junior qb throwing to a junior and soph wr as their top two receivers and have struggled also... Penn state has a junior and senior as their top two receivers but don't let facts stand in your way. Lol
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Clearly, you are saying the WR's are killing it!

JK Actually yes its not only the receivers. My brother, who was at the game, told me that Worley looked awful and said many times wr's were WIDE open and he also said the OL opened some huge holes that the RB's couldn't hit or did not see! :banghead2:


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