Look I'm not saying our WRs are killing it...

Clearly, you are saying the WR's are killing it!

JK Actually yes its not only the receivers. My brother, who was at the game, told me that Worley looked awful and said many times wr's were WIDE open and he also said the OL opened some huge holes that the RB's couldn't hit or did not see! :banghead2:

Its so simple we dont have either a QB or RB thats can play in the SEC help is on the way, we just got to hang in there this year, maybe by spring Dobbs can hand it to a HURD of runningbacks.:)
Auburn has a junior qb throwing to a junior and soph wr as their top two receivers and have struggled also... Penn state has a junior and senior as their top two receivers but don't let facts stand in your way. Lol
Penn State is starting the top rated QB in the class of 13, plus did you see they got there azz kicked this past Saturday. :eek:hmy:
It looks like Worley is aiming to much in his throws. Idk what the problem is but fix it. It loos like what people feared the most about his abilities are coming true

The problem with Worley is he is not stepping into his throws and is constantly throwing off his back foot which causes the inability to throw sideline routes and under shoot receivers. If he does not step into his throws during this week of practice look for Peterman to get the call for Saturday.
if you are bouncing the ball on screens and 5 yd outs ...you're going to have a bad time.

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