Look to Ohio to Save the Republic

Maybe, but even the most recent poll from Rasmussen Reports has Biden leading in Ohio - 48%-47%. You know they didn't want to post such results from a state that Biden doesn't even need to win - but Trump desperately does.

Polls? LOL. If there was anything to learn from the 2016 election is that polls are meaningless. Especially during the flu fear porn.
Imagine a vote in California was as important as a vote in Alabama, Ohio and NC
Well, it sort of is more important, considering the number of Representatives that state gets in the House relative to the three you listed.

I don't know what the ballot is like where you're at but my ballot says I am voting for "electors" that represent a certain Presidential candidate.
If it were by popular vote only, imagine that a place like California basically determines the entire course of events.

Which would you choose if you had to pick?

My fall back position is I would reform the electoral college rules so the electors could only vote for the candidate who had the most votes. Not a fact right now.

Ideally I would abolish the electoral college
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My fall back position is I would reform the electoral college rules so the electors could only vote for the candidate who had the most votes. Not a fact right now.

Ideally I would abolish the electoral college
Of course you would. I wouldn't expect anything else from you.

Be safe, wear your mask at all times.
Soros flew them all in on the secret liberal antifa jets huh?

They were literally placed in certain areas by the government when they came here in mass exodus as refugees.

It's kinda like a fact.

I was living in new Albany at the time and moved to muirfield to avoid the crime that was beginning to spill over near morse rd by Easton.

We just moved our office there from schrock rd to sawmill last year as its now bleeding into there by the old knights icecream.

On a flip side, grovetucky has gotten really nice lately, and only people who are from there will get this.

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