The Tea Party definitely didn't attract the best and brightest when they chose candidates in Nevada and Delaware.
I think that Yucca is dead, dead. I don't think the ouster of Reid would really even change that. Not sure about the wisdom of that, but it is what it is....
I just can't see how it can be justified to waste all that money that's already been spent...paid for by the nuclear industry (through rate payers). And the nuclear industry needs it. I just don't know where you go from here. Maybe we'll look at reprocessing.
Anyways, Yucca is DEAD with Reid. At least with Angle, there's a shot even if she's bat **** crazy.
Looks like a mobbed up Harry Reid stole this one.
Harry Reid Steals Nevada, Wins Amid Widespread Electronic Voter Fraud :
The SEIU represents the voting machine technicians in Clark County (Las Vegas). Sequoia voting machines straight from Venezuela??
The 46: SEIU Visits Venezuela?
Angle was leading by 4% in polls but Reid wins by 5%.
In every other race across the country there is no race that is even close to having such a big swing.
Not as big as the swing pulled off by Chavez (with the help of Jimmy Carter, polls showed Chavez losisng by 20% but after the vote count he won by 20% meaning a 40% swing, this fraud is less that 25% of that in Venezuela but raises more red flags than a big pile up in a NASCAR race.
ConcernedVoter06: Critics chip away at Sequoia's roots: Fears arise because e-voting machine maker's owners are Venezuelan
Anyone who really thinks that Harry Reid received more votes than Sharon Angle deserves a congressional medal of naivete!
this will not be too bad for the republicans, the dems still have 2/3 of the power and if things still doesn't improve, 2012 should see more gains by the republicans.
Actually, there's way more pressure on the Republicans than there was this time two years ago. They own Congress... the 'party of no' tactic won't work anymore. Now is their time to actually bring solutions to the table instead of roadblocking every Democrat-proposed bill.
Actually, there's way more pressure on the Republicans than there was this time two years ago. They own Congress... the 'party of no' tactic won't work anymore. Now is their time to actually bring solutions to the table instead of roadblocking every Democrat-proposed bill.
And anyone who refuses to accept that an experienced politician (incompetent or no) defeated a crazy haint lacking in as much sanity and composure as Sharron Angle needs to yank the cucumber outta their hindquarters.
I don't usually go around crying voter fraud. I also tend to think that there is a fair amount of fudging that goes on in every election, one way or the other.
But as soon as I heard Reid won, I was scratching my head. It didn't seem very likely.
perhaps if the democrat leadership had actually allowed the GOP more than token input on major legislation. Reid and Pelosi adopted an "our way or no way" style of leadership and if you didn't play along by their rules, you were marginalized.
it's amazing how people conveniently forget that there was little or nothing the GOP could do to stop legislation, especially in the early months of 2009.
you should stop watching MSNBC, they're among the primary perpetrators of this "party of "no"" nonsense.