You’ve elected officials who, for partisan points,
spoke openly that the “…war is lost.” I happened
to be in a dining facility in Baghdad that day, filled
with the (mostly) young faces of (mostly) Army
men and women. CNN was on the TVs, and things
got very quiet when this elected official continued
on, railing that the mission that some of these very
people were here to do, had “…failed.”
Yet, they would be donning their body armor,
strapping on med kits and weapons, mounting HMMVs
or MRAPs and heading outside the wire, ensuring that
the newborn democracy in Iraq, purchased with so
many lives, would be safe another night.
The newly re-invigorated insurgents would be waiting,
teeth bared back in a hateful smile, gripping the IED
detonator, the RPG launcher, or the AK-47s to ply
their trade with new energy, because the
Senate Majority Leader had said they
were winning.
You elected officials who continually defame and
berate military members, whether it is the observation
that if you’re not too bright, you’ll get “…stuck in Iraq”
(this from a guy who has two Purple Hearts for self-
inflicted wounds, and known for throwing someone
else’s medals away in protest), (John Freaking Kerry)
or the calling of combat Marines cold-blooded killers
(in a war; before trial). (John yardbird Murtha)
You’ve elected officials in the role of commander-in-
chief who “loathe” the military, while using ROTC
deferments and special treatment to avoid military
service that the less “connected” take as a
responsibility. (slick willy Clinton)
On the basis of “change,” you elected someone who
had close, ongoing associations with people who were
part of an organization that tried to kill us [U.S. military]
on our own soil. (Barry Obambi and many other dhimmis)
You elected officials that promised to take property
from some Americans, and give it to you, merely
because they had more than you did. Those Americans
that these officials have labeled as the “rich” are your
neighbors, who provide jobs and pay far more in taxes
than you ever will. (what dhimmirat doesn't fit that
That means they are already subsidizing your lifestyle
choices; you just want more of their property without
the responsibility of risking your wealth and labor to
get it. You would rather hire someone to take it from
them. And you have.